Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Indonesia Persecution

I had just read a story about persecution in Indonesia last night. It was a graphic novel put out by Voice of the Martyrs. It takes place around 2000. It is a story of a young family that finds itself engulfed in a Muslim Jihad or cleansing of their island. The book is called "Hope Amid Horror". It is a true story and is pretty gripping. They lose their home, lives are lost, the man's wife is forced to marry a Muslim---that is all I will tell you. I wanted my wife to read it, and she finds it very difficult to read. So today I am going about my duties and this story is still in the back of my mind: Is it real? How can this happen? I decided some time I was going to look it up and do a little research. The first thing I pulled up is this article:

A person cannot imagine. After viewing this I really don't think there is much more to say.

On what is happening today see Worthy News Link:

One more recent Link by VOM:


  1. i am really inspired by the post above. i am planning to read the book called "Hope Amid Horror".

  2. were can you buy the book "Hope Amid Horror"

  3. Order it from VOM bookstore.
