Thursday, December 31, 2009

Demon Possession and Deliverance in Today's Haiti

Here is a letter I ran across in traveling to and fro. Since there is a dearth of missionary literature out there I am going to share it with others. Here in N.America we are not so removed as we like to think, from what you are about to read here. We need to encourage one another to share experiences of the power the Lord. It gives a surge of power and faith into other believers like a domino effect. That is what we need in times like these to fight against the spirit of Anti-Christ and the spirit of Unbelief which are waging battle with us whether we like it or not. I have not been able to reach the authors of this letter, since they are in the back hills of Haiti, but if it means more prayer for the effort and work in Oriani, Haiti I believe they will suffer us the liberty to publish these excerpts of their letter. I mainly left out their personal info and kept to the interesting experiences that happened to them in a month’s time. The Headings are mine to brake up the text. The letter is written from the missionary’s wife’s viewpoint. Enjoy and don’t forget to pray for all involved --they are real brothers and sisters in the fight!


My heart is full tonight, so I'm going to empty it out on you all tonight. I wish I could even begin to convey the spirit of the work up here at this point and time . I won't be able to do it justice, but I'll do my best. If only you could be up here, among these mountain peaks with us, and walk around and meet your brothers and sisters in their very primitive settings, some so poor that they can't even buy a tiny bar of soap in the market for 5 cents, and yet with amazing spiritual vigor. I am going to tell you some stories tonight that are amazing ... mostly good ones, but also a bad one. It seems that the victories for Jesus are incredible here ... as well, the victories for Satan can be awful, too.
Around a month and a half ago, Fre SL's younger sister got over-taken by an evil spirit, as well as a complete mental breakdown. She had been coming to church, and was saying that she was going to come through all the way, so that left her kind of in our responsibility when this came on her. She totally lost her head ... began talking 24/7, wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, kept trying repeatedly to kill her mother by choking her or else stoning her, as well as trying to kill herself, too. They had to keep her hands and her feet tied tightly, and someone had be with her all the time, because even with being all tied up, she could do an amazing amount of damage.
The family kept calling us to come and pray. Some of us went over there one evening. We wanted to pray, but Fre SL, nor the missionaries felt very open to it, because we knew that M's mother has lived her life steeped in witchcraft as well as always trying to say that she is a Christian. Actually, it was her that forced her daughter to partake in ceremonies for the devil, and that was why the devil took a hold of M, even though she is 19 years old. We explained this to the mother, how we didn't feel open to it when we knew that the rafters of the house could hold all sorts of things for the devil. But she was ready to clean house right away, because she said she knew the devil couldn't do anything to help them now, only God could. So, she crawled up onto the bed and began pulling stuff out of the rafters. Then she went outside and crawled up onto the roof of her little cook shack, and pulled down the rod that was named Zaka, the spirit of the yard. She had a dress, very intricately made by a witch doctor that had cost her 200 dollars, as well as numerous scarves that are used at the ceremonies, and a fancy bag that is also used. It was quite a pile ... SL took a machete and splintered the rod up, and the mother put it all in a pile and lit the match. It was hard to burn, but eventually it was a pile of ash.
  Then we went into the house and prayed that the devil would leave M for good. And she did sleep that night for the first time in a long while, but a few days later, the devil had her rolling the floors again. This time it was worse than before. Every once in a while she'd moan, "if only mama would get converted, then I could be delivered!" Fre SL explained the situation at our weekly council meeting, and everyone felt that we should all go over and pray again with her ... but due sickness at our place, it ended up being about two weeks till we got back there. By then they had the room where she stayed completely emptied out, and she was just lying on the dirt floor with her hands and feet tied. Loose rocks were lying all over the floor, from her pulling them out of the walls. It was so sad. We were a large group of brethren, maybe 20 of us, and we all filled that tiny room right up. We sang quite a few songs first, while she rolled all over, talking. Then we prayed ... and some very heartfelt prayers. At one point in there, she stopped talking nonsense, and was quiet, except when she whispered a response. SL was sitting on one side of her, and I was on the other. .. all of a sudden she just relaxed completely and laid her head on my shoulder. She was completely spent. We laid her down, covered her up, and we all left .
The Haitian brethren and [we] all felt in our hearts that God had done a 
work. .. His spirit of peace was so strong in that room. But the next day it was back. Sister MLE, as well as brother JZ both had dreams that night that were very similar ... and the meanings that we took out of them was that we should not give up. We needed to go back again the next day and pray again, and do it as many times as it takes to get victory. The family also admitted that they had had an appointment with the witch doctor that same night we prayed there ... so the brethren figured that that was probably why the evil spirit was right back. Everyones conviction was that M needed to get out of her mother's house if she was going to find deliverance. Se MLE is single, so she offered that she would take her in, if we could give her till the next day to get a spot ready for her at her house. At five o'clock that afternoon, around 15 of us went to M's house to pray again. We did the same as we had done the night before. Stopped at Fre SL's and first had a time of sharing and numerous of the men prayed that God would go with us. When everyone had spent their hearts, we went on down to her house, and once again, filled that tiny room right up and shut the door. All of M's un-converted family listened from outside the door.
We loosed her bonds, and some of us sat beside her and the rest stood around and sang, and then numerous of the brethren prayed for her. She was absolutely wild, and that evil spirit was talking a blue streak. It was saying all kinds of awful things. I won't bother writing much of it, but it kept declaring that it wasn't going to leave until M was dead, and that they are a team of them, and they have lots of power, that M loves the missionaries, but they hate them, and then much more. The odd thing was, that even though it was obviously the devil was talking, it was almost like he was talking from the outside of her body, if that makes any sense. There were lots of prayers prayed, but it seemed that devil would not leave.
It was finally obvious to everyone that she needed to get out of that house. We had already been praying for three hours, but no one felt that we should run from the devil. It was already 8 o'clock, and of course pitch black, but we got her ready to walk the walk up to MLE's house. To start with, we almost had to drag her out of there, and it took till we were halfway to MLE's before she calmed down. As she calmed down, she became like a scared little girl, that didn't know what was happening to her and where she was going. She also started to feel pain ... something she hadn't felt for a long time. She was so banged up, and bit and chewed up, so when she started to feel again, she was in a lot of pain. We got her to Madeleine's, us ladies washed her up and dressed her in a big dress of Madeleine's and put her to bed. Her back hurt her so bad that she couldn't lay down. We all gathered around and sang a song and then prayed again, and the peace 
and power of he Lord were so real to everyone there. Fre SL spent the night with her there. But this poor girl has been out of her head for over a month ... hardly slept at all during that time, eaten about nothing, and she has big infected sores all over, and is running a fever. The missionary called one of he Haitian ministers in the morning, cause it was obvious that the fight was not over, and he said we've prayed, and he believes that the spirit is out of her ... Now, since God chose not to heal her body completely, we need to bring her down to a doctor to take care of the physical problem. So we listened to that council, and the Missionary brethren brought her down to the doctor. We’ re very thankful that we have older, more experienced ministers to call, because we are very inexperienced when it comes to all of this kind of thing. The whole experience was a real time of spiritual searching for all of us ... and it was awesome to see how our little congregation pulled together in this .. .it seemed they felt a real duty to see this thing through to the end, and their commitment to M was amazing. They were going to do whatever it took. We felt like we learned a lot from them, as this is so new to us, but to them, they have seen this kind of thing all their lives. And the other amazing thing, is that most of M's family has decided to leave the life of witchcraft and turn to God. They all are in church every service now, and with M’s mother, the change is the biggest. Her whole face looks altogether different...she has a light in her eyes, and a calmness that has never been there before. She says she feels like God has forgiven her. The rest say that they want to get converted, and serve God with all their hearts. What change…. .


Over the last month, we had been visiting with our expelled sister J, and it seemed to us like she had truly repented and found God again, so this same week we were working with M, the missionary called the mission board and told them how it seemed like J had found something. So Minister Nason and Minister Polit came up that Friday to visit with her. They felt too, like she had something to tell the church. The same time J came in, her little sister F decided to come visit too. We had been talking with her before this, and had told her that if she felt to, she could come, so she came. She is the girl that had been delivered of an evil spirit about eight months ago. The ministers were absolutely amazed with her testimony ... and we were again too. She sits there with her face just shining, and she tells how the devil had been in her since she was a little girl. All she knew was fear, torment, beatings, sexual abusing, and wildness. Then, when the church came and prayed for her, she said that was gone. Afterwards, she felt free and yet empty, so she prayed to God to forgive her sins, (even though she had never knowingly committed any because it was the devil ruling her) and to please come into her heart. Then her face glows as she says how Jesus "took" her, and she only lives for Him now. She says she has no thought of turning to sin, because she only wants Jesus. It was the kind of testimony where your eyes can 't stay dry, and you can't help being overwhelmed with God's power. For sure for those of us that had seen what she was a year ago. She is about 22 years old, and has had four children in last five years, but now she looks like a vibrant 16-year-old. The ministers said they had never heard anything like it in their many years of experience. "Truly", they said, "it is a complete miracle!"
That afternoon, we had council meeting, and Se J was re-accepted, and F brought her testimony to the church as well, and she was approved to be put right into the current doctrine class, even though it's almost finished, and we are going to give her classes to catch her up, because everyone felt like she should be baptized with this next group. What a meeting .... truly it felt like the devil was defeated. It almost left us with apprehension, because what we've found with this work, whenever the devil is defeated in such a big way, he attacks with even more strength. And now he had just lost two of HIS children .. both M and F ... what kind of big attack was he going to try next?
And we soon knew what he was up to ... our dear sister MLE is the one member that has made the biggest change of anyone when she got converted. She used to be the biggest fighter in town ... A lot of the brothers and sisters said that they never used to talk to her or walk by her house, because she would yell and make fun of anyone and everyone. She was also big into devil worship, and would run around with red hankies tied on her, and all of that sort of stuff. Now after she got converted, she has changed tremendously ... she will do anything for anyone, including taking people into her home if they are sick or in trouble of any sort, just like she did for M. So one night some of her neighbors got into a big fight and the wife kicked the man out of the house. When the man went to another neighbors house for refuge, his wife came and broke down the door, so he ran to MLE's. MLE's daughter and son-in-law were staying at her house then , so she thought it was okay to take him in. So he spent the night there. He left the next day, and no more was thought about it. Now, just a couple days after our council meeting, this man's wife found out that he had stayed there, and got very mad, and began yelling at MLE. MLE used to love having big yelling fights, and she was very tempted to get going now, because she knew that she had done nothing wrong, but she refrained, and went into her house and stayed there. But, at five the next morning, that lady was back, yelling and making fun of MLE, and saying all sorts of awful things. Found out later that it was a conspiracy ... his wife and another neighbor man decided to just keep provoking her to try to make her get mad and start mocking, so she would have to be expelled. So she kept at it until MLE lost it. And when she lost it, she lost it big time. MLE spent the rest of the day yelling. Just like she would have used to have done. It just looked like the devil had that all planned out. He knew exactly where her weak spot was, and he provoked it until she fell. Oh, were the neighbors ever glad! The stories were soon circulating how she had fallen. After talking with her, the missionary had to call Fre Nason again, and tell him that now we had some bad work to do. He came up the next day, and we visited again with her, and she knew she had done wrong, although she wasn't very repentant, because she was still mad. She had to excommunicated that afternoon , because the sin of mocking is listed among the death sins. The service was so warm and sad ... there were about no dry eyes there, and everyone could hardly do it because we all love MLE so much. Normally, in Haiti, if someone falls into this, they are expelled right away, and with her, this is her third time. The other times, it was felt like she should be given another chance, because of her awful past, but now she fell worse than ever, so we all knew there was no choice. And she said herself that she felt like the Holy Spirit left her that day. She was very, very discouraged .. she said without the Holy Spirit, she had absolutely nothing ... that it felt like now she had no power to do what was right. The next day she walked to the market, and people mocked her all the way there ... many were so happy that she was expelled ... that now she could come back into Satan-worship with them again. She went through a real low ... and on Sunday when we realized how low she was, we went through the blackest day of our time here. We felt so completely powerless, and so unexperienced. For the first time, we felt like running in the face of Satan. We kept thinking of our easy life at home, and every part of us felt like running back, and letting someone with more grey hair take over up here. Thank God he gives strength when we are completely out.
…Thank God for our Haitian brethren here ... they seemed very clear on what to do ... we needed to bathe her in prayer. So, everyone went over to her house after church, and spent two hours praying with her, and then some of the rest stayed there with her the rest of the day praying, then they took her to another house for night, and some were back at five in the morning to resume the prayer vigil. By time the missionary went there a few hours later, she was completely clear ... she knew very well where and how awfully she had sinned, and she was repenting. Her spirit was so soft, and so humble .. .if fact, more humble than we had ever seen her. She was completely broken for the Lord now. She says she is setting her face forward now, and she's never turning back again. What an amazing answer to prayer ... .I know I'm leaving out details, but she is our sister, and she deserves some confidentiality. The power of holding fast in prayer ... we feel like we are learning about prayer in a way like we've never known before. And it's our new brothers and sisters that are teaching us. We feel extremely small.
And on the same Sunday, we were scheduled to have our first service in T-F at three o'clock. We had to leave MLE's early to get ready for that. God must have been really helping the missionary, because he seemed to have a lot more courage and strength than I did. In fact, we had thoughts of canceling the service, because in our humanness, we didn't feel like telling more people about the plan of salvation when the members we have are in some struggles. But once again, our brethren had clear direction, that it is just the devil trying to block things .. .if we don't go, we are giving Satan victory. And God gave  the missionary an extra special amount of grace, I thought, through that service. Four brethren came with our family down there , and went to church. Around 70 people were at that little meeting spot, a little building with no roof, and only one wall, and no benches. We all crowded in and around, and the people drank it all up. Brother D had the opening ... he talked about is personal experience of coming to the church, and what it's done for him, then the missionary had the message, using a lot of verses out of I John 4. Brother JZ had the closing, again relating his personal experience of finding the church. In between there, there was time for questions, and several were lifted up. The spirit of the people felt just like when we had our first service in the outpost ... people just thirsty for the gospel, and listening with every part of them. They of course begged us to come back, and please not wait too long. The brethren feel, and we do too, that the door is just as open there as it was in our congregation .. .in fact, they say it is even more open. So, we left: there with a very warm feeling in our hearts. We didn't make a plan as to when we will go back, but I think it will be soon.

Now, this is not a story, but rather, just something that I wanted to share. Ever since Alan Schroeder was here and preached a message on "giving'" we have been taking a tithing collection for the members every once in awhile. It is amazing how much these people give .... some the members that live in little stick and plantain leaf houses, and don't even eat every day, will give 200 gds for one time. One of the couples that are a little more well off have given a 1000 gds. There’s no doubt about it, these people know how to give. And they give with all their heart. Actually, for what they have, they are giving a lot more than us at home .... do we ever put so much in the collection that we know we will not eat tomorrow and maybe very little the rest of the week because of it? Same with sharing food, money, anything. Once a beggar lady came in the yard, and was asking for money. One of the brothers was with me, and before I had decided if I "should" give to her or not, he had pulled ten gourds out of his pocket and gave it to her. I asked him later if he knew her...he said "no, but she asked, so I gave her." And this brother is one of the poorer ones here. If I see a lady in the market that has a pretty dress on, and I tell her I like it, she says, "I'll give it to you." And she's serious. So I tell that it fits her so nice, it would be better if she keeps it, because I am not the same shape as her. So these people willingly give, and we always wonder, "should we? Does this person really need it? If I give now, will they just ask again?" Who is following the command in the Bible better where it says to "give to him that asketh of thee, and him that would borrow of thee, turn him not away"
So, now you have a little idea what our last month has been like ... it's been quite the time for us. Lots of growing and learning. Most of the time we were so humbled, and felt so privileged and thankful that God let us be here at this time ... and then for a little while, we wished we could run away. Please remember all these people that I have written about in your prayers. They need all the prayer that they can get a old of. The devil seems extremely unhappy lately about all the ground that he has lost, so he'll be trying all the tricks he can on these dear members and "almost members." Pray for us too, that we will keep looking to God for our strength, and not bottom-out because we are depending on our own. [From a letter from Anthony and Darla Penner in Oriani]

Thursday, December 24, 2009


I am not sure anymore where I picked up this list, but it proves interesting. The Martyrs Mirror by Thieleman J van Braght, has always been intriguing to me, especially the pictures by Jan Luyken. (see picture of Dirk Williems) For those not aquainted about the book it is about a history of the persecution of the Christians by the Jews, pagans, and Catholic Church since the time of Christ through the Reformation(1660). It is a history of the Anabaptists as traced through their blood spilt for Christ. Let that suffice for now perhaps we will have time to write more of the book and its author in the future. This list can be used as an index to various interesting accounts of those that were willing to give their lives for the sake of the cross. Here are some quotes and actions of these martyrs under persecution in those times.

"The Lord Christ compels no one to come to His glory..." - Felix Mantz, p. 415
"The thiefcatcher following him broke through [the ice], when Dirk Willems, perceiving that the former was in danger of his life, quickly returned..." from the story of Dirk Willems, p. 741-742
"Wake up, and give heed; you certainly see it is not in human power what the Lord enables us to do, that we can leave our dear children, yea, joyfully resign our lives, for the honor of God." - Claesken, p. 611-616
"Only love to God shall stand and prevail; not boasting, denouncing, or threatening." - Michael Sattler, p. 416
"Ah, how finely your teachers and pastors now give their lives for you!" "It is the truth which I have taught you, and I will testify to it with my blood." - Thomas Hermann, p. 422
"I never in all my life was in a holy church." - Fije and Eelken, p. 484-485
"Do you then take such pains to seek souls? Well then, go into the city, to every place, to the drunkards, whoremongers, swearers... these are still your brethren; go and seek their souls; Christ has found mine." - Hans van Overdam, p. 486-494
"I shall never taste death." - Weynken, p. 422
"What shall I do? the more I cause to be executed, the more they increase." - the Burgrave at Altzey, p. 437
"Christ has taught us that we should not hear a stranger's voice." - Jerome Kels, p. 445
"You can take from me no more than my life." - Offrus Greizinger, p. 448
"But where you hear of a poor, simple, cast-off little flock, which is despised and rejected by the world, join them." - Anna of Rotterdam , p. 453-454
"I have no desire for this wine; but I hope to drink the new wine, which will be given to me above in the kingdom of my Father." - Gerrit Hasepoot, p. 560
"I will tell to the world an incredible thing: in a dark hole I have found pleasure; in a place of bitterness and death, rest and hope of salvation." - Algerius , p. 570-573
"I will gladly go with you, and we will rejoice together.." - Maria van Beckum and Ursula, p. 467-468
"Oh, what a joyful feast will be prepared for us before the clock strikes twelve!" - John Claess, p. 468-471
"Ask me, and I shall answer you: for I no longer feel the least pain in my flesh, as I did before." - Elizabeth, during torture, AD 1549, p. 481-482
"I never had a joy that did not perish, as I now have." - Anneken, p. 494-495
"Oh yes, the power of His Spirit is not weakening in me." - Govert, p. 495
"It is because we are not willing to be imprisoned and in fear and tribulation with you, but in about seven or eight years I will promulgate the truth aright and make great gain by it." - a religious teacher in Louvain, AD 1550, p. 497
"What would you do for your faith? not much, I think. Hence repent, before you are brought to shame." - Catherine, burned at the stake, AD 1551, p. 503
"Children, do you want to go along to the New Jerusalem?" - Jan de Swarte, p. 664-666
"My lords, save three stakes; we can all four die at one, for we are spiritually of one mind." - Grietgen, p. 503
"Let us fight valiantly, for this is our last pain; hereafter we shall rejoice with God in endless joy." - Joris, Wouter, Grietgen and Naentgen, p. 503
"Christ has gone this way before us; and His beloved apostles likewise, and we His servants are not above our Lord." - Adrian Corneliss, p. 526
"Christ does not say, 'Them that will not believe you, shut into cells or put great fetters on their legs.'" - Joos Kindt, p. 540-546
"I am ready any way, to put off this flesh, whether in the fire or in the water, before the hall of justice or here in this fire (the fire on the hearth); it is not big enough, make it bigger." - Joos Kindt, p. 545
"Though I am simple before men, I am not simple in the knowledge of the Lord." - Claesken, p. 612
"Do you think we run on uncertainties? ...We forsake our dear children, whom I would not forsake for the whole world, and we stake upon it all we have - should we run on uncertainties yet?" - Claesken, p. 613
"I can speak of what God has given me; that I know." - Pieter Witese, p. 548-549
"Peat and wood, peat and wood!" - from the story of Augustine the Baker, p. 553
"It is not our way to ask each other: Where are you from? or what is your name? for we well know our blood is much sought." - Claes de Praet, p. 554-560
"But where are the tears which we have shed, my dear wife, over our past sins, when our souls were wounded even unto death, yea, sunk in hell?" - Thomas van Imbroeck, p. 578-582
"Take heed to yourself, that you abound with this precious Spirit ; for of that with which one is filled He will bring forth. Regard not the joy and pleasure of this world..." - Joris Wippe, p. 584-588
"They embraced a faith which the lords and princes could not understand, and hence they had to suffer." - Gotthard of Nonenberg, p. 590-591
"This is the true way to eternal life, which is found by so few, and walked by a still smaller number; for it is too narrow for them, and would cause their flesh too much pain." - Jan Jans Brant, p. 617
"Our church has not (as has the Roman church) the emperor or king for her helper, but emperor, king or prince diligently seek to destroy her." - Hans Vermeersch, p. 631-633
"Think of that day which no one can escape, in which you will regret it, unless you become converted." -Willem de Kleermaecker, p. 645-646
"Here I forsake wife and children, house and home, body and life, for the faith and the divine truth." - George Raeck, p. 646
"Seek for the only joy." - Soetgen van den Houte, p. 646-651
"O Lord, thou art forever in my thoughts." - Joost Joosten, p. 651
"Fear the judgement of God, which He shall hold, to condemn you to eternal fire." - Kalleken Strings, p. 652-654
"These limbs God from heaven gave; therefore, I will willingly surrender them for his law's sake." - Lauwerens van de Walle, p. 652-654
"Schut, sing us a song" - said mockingly after the death of John Schut, p. 654-655
"This is the strait gate, press through it; through this pressed the men of God, for he that fights steadfastly unto the end will be saved; of this I have no doubt." - Heyndrick Eemkens, p. 660-661
"I do not want to lay the cross of Christ aside." - Conrad Koch, p. 686-688
"How is it my dear sons?" Jacob Dircks, p. 724-725
"They are already too wise in themselves, already helped, who so openly forsake Christ, in avarice which they style only industry, in pride which with them is only neatness, in adultery which they term only friendship." - Valerius Schoolmaster, p. 726-731
"My dear friends, what a dark place it was formerly with you, and what dark places there are still; but you have obtained mercy." - Jan Thielemans, p. 731-736
"One who related it to me had heard her sing with a clear, strong voice the 17th psalm of David..." - said of Claudine Le Vettre, p. 737-738
"..You bind not me but yourselves." - Jan Wouterss, p. 897
"I further cannot forbear, but must greatly thank you, my dearest, only wife, for having been such a dear, faithful wife to me, for more than nine years; the time has passed by so rapidly, that I am surprised." - Jan Wouterss, p. 913
"This is the day of salvation." - Jan Wouterss, p. 899
"The drunkards, idolators and the like, know how to help themselves with the Scriptures; but alas! with such fig leaves they wrong themselves, and suffer themselves to be led by the learned like the ox to the slaughter." - Jan Wouterss, p. 923
"They intend to scatter the whole flock at Meenen. Hence let everyone keep as quiet as he can." - Wouter Denijs, p. 759-761
"'Calling names breaks no bones; one can do it seated as well' and I offered him a chair." - Jan Hendrickss, p. 942
"Yes, you will show me such mercy that I shall have my head cut off." - Hans Knevel, p. 945
"...He declared that he did not feel free in his conscience, thus to row [into battle], seeing he had no enemies; they might deal with him according to their pleasure." - Jan Smit, p. 962
"Therefore my dear sister in the Lord, adorn yourself with the fine linen of righteousness, in honor of your Bridegroom until the days of tribulation shall be at an end." - George Kleemaecker, p. 966
"O my beloved wife, I commend you, and all them that fear God, to the Lord and the Word of His grace." - Jan van Hasebroeck, p. 770-774
"I do not believe the anointing with oil of which James writes has anything in common with your oil, for the oil of which James writes healed the sick." - Jacob de Roore, the Chandler, p. 774-785
"I cannot thank and praise the Lord sufficiently, that He so comforts me in my tribulation, and that my mind is still fixed to fear the Lord with all my heart all the days of my life, according to my weak ability." - Clement Hendrickss, p. 834-841
"Let us constantly remember the days of our illumination, and how little we then were in our own eyes, when we humbled ourselves under the mighty hand of God." - Joost Verkindert, p. 848-863
"Neighbor Evert, what is your wish? if you seek me, you can easily find me; here I am at your service." - Anneken Heyndricks, p. 872-874
"In this place we are confined; but we see and often speak with one another, which is a great joy to us." - Ydse Gaukes, p. 889
"And who had thus led me astray? I said, 'My former life'..." - Ydse Gaukes, p. 888
"Behold, my children, this way has no retreats; there are also no byways, that lie on the right hand of the left... If you do what I write, you will see me again in great glory... Maeyken van Deventer, p. 977-979
"The Lord takes away all fear; I did not know what to do for joy, when I was sentenced." - Maeyken Wens, p. 979-983
"Oh, how easy it is to be a Christian, so long as the flesh is not put to the trial, or nothing has to be relinquished; then it is an easy thing to be a Christian." - Maeyken Wens, p. 979-983
"I leave you here; Oh, that it had pleased the Lord, that I might have brought you up; I should so gladly have done my best with respect to it; but it seems that it is not the Lord's will. - Janneken Munstdorp, p. 985
"It is now all over, I soon shall have conquered my last enemy... Oh my dear sister, how glad I was that I had kissed you once more." - Janneken Munstdorp, p. 990
He said to his wife, "Trijntjen Jans, lamb, there comes the wolf;" exhorting her to boldness and to answer without dissimulation. - Hendrick Pruyt , p. 1005-1007
"The jailer said, 'Louwerens, run out too." - from the story of Louwerens the Shoemaker, p. 1036
"Thus they sang until close to the water's edge, where they were to be drowned." - Jacob Mandel and Hendrick Sumer, p. 1057
"Now, my brother Jacob, since we have traveled together so long. let us know also journey together further, through this temporal death into eternal life." - Hendrick Sumer, p. 1057
"...For him that commits himself to the Lord, and is possessed of love, nothing is difficult; had I not experienced this myself, it would be impossible for me to know that it is so easy... Only now do I feel within me the inexpressible grace and mercy of God, and His love, and how we therefore ought to love Him in return." - Claesken, p. 615
"I am ready to suffer my head to be struck off, much rather than apostatize from my faith." - Hans Haslibacher, p. 1128-1129
"For when we consider that the world is rather a prison, we can perceive that you have rather escaped from than been committed to prison." - Tertullian's consolation to the martyrs AD 200 , p. 1139-1141
Would you like to suggest a favorite Martyrs Mirror quote for this page? Leave a comment.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Remebering the Persecuted

The Voice of the Martyrs Stats:

More than 43 million Christians have been killed for their faith since the crucifixion of Jesus.

It's been estimated that more Christians have been martyred in the 20th century than in all the prior 1,900 years combined.

There have been more than 26 million documented cases of martyrdom in this century alone.

More than 200 million Christians in over 60 nations face persecution each day.

150,000-165,000 are martyred each year.

Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. It is on the rise because of Communism, the expansion of Islam and Hindu extremism, and because of the growing anti-Christ spirit.

Of the worlds population of 6 billion:

2.1 billion are Christians
1.5 billion are Muslim
900 million are Hindus
376 million are Buddhist
151 million claim to be Atheists

The question is- Where are our prayers directed at this Christmas season? Maybe we do well to pause and pray for those in prisons suffering away for the name of Christ this Christmas. I just read a testimony from a Chinese house church leader that asked that the prayers would not be directed to stop persecution, but rather that we would pray that they could endure and the gospel spread further. So let us be challenged to do our part. Merry Christmas!


And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall shall see visions. Joel 2:28.
I want to write a little more about dreams and visions. I had already written about my vision on heaven the other month. I am not especially charismatic or consider myself a mystic, but I believe when we are obedient and humble in the will of God, God enjoys visiting with us. As the verse in Joel points out - He will pour out His Spirit, free for all to accept. I don’t think it is something we boast about, but it is something we want to treasure. God first wants obedience from His children and to that end we receive encouragement and grace from Him. As a young boy I have been fascinated with the Antediluvian world. The story of the garden, the story that there was giants in the land, and especially the story of Enoch and the story of Noah. Enoch walked with God and Noah had vision from God to preach to the people and build the ark. How is it possible to walk with God? I would marvel and still marvel. It becomes real when we have laid ourselves and our goals at the foot of the cross and say, “Thy will be done“. When the only thing we desire is God’s will in our lives- then when we see how he opens, shuts doors, and grants vision that give real purpose in our lives. When we try to again put our hands on the steering wheel the way becomes dim again. We must as Christians must look at ourselves as truly devoted servants that wait on the voice of God to do His bidding. When we have done that he can us and blesses us with unexpected blessings.
Christians in very trying conditions and persecution seem to receive very clear visions and dreams from God. Even unbelievers in countries that prohibit Christianity receive instruction and vision from Christ. In Turlock CA, I helped re-roof a house. The owner happened to be a missionary of thirty years in Pakistan. She was a widow and told us stories of how people that they have ministered to people that had already have met Christ through dreams. When they met the missionaries the dreams purpose and meaning became clearer. Reminds one of how Joseph and Daniel would interpret dreams. Anyway a year or two later I read a book called, She Dared to Call Him Father about a woman from Pakistan. At the end of the book I remembered the widow missionary. I drove around till I found her house and asked her if she knew that lady and she replied that the woman was baptized in their house! She related the story just as I had read it and said she had a picture of them together in the house. That book is real, inspiring, and underscores how God uses dreams and visions to people we believe are hard to reach.
My first experience relates with this verse:
When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint; Then thou scarest me with dreams and terrifies me through visions….Job 7:14. My desire was not on the Lord and the World and it’s call was very alluring to me. It would have been quite a simple move to walk away from my Church. I was not a member and had a lot of connections that were not Christian. One night I had a dream where my friends and I were having a grand time. I was facing them and they could not see the large forest fire in the distance. At first it was like the glow, but I knew at once that it was the consuming fire of God and that the End was near. My friends would not look and I had started to flee. One of my friends also looked and also fled. The others lingered as the fire was racing towards us. Needless to say I woke up in a sweat. Five years later the scenario happened as in my dream. Though there was no fire, the ones that did not look fell away. My friend that also looked, reconsecrated his life. (Interestingly enough, he had a dream that changed his life). Another time as unconverted or backslidden I was watching a very distasteful movie with my Dad when I was seized with terror that the Lord was Coming. I looked out the window, just knowing the stars were about to fall. These happenings definitely caused me to take stock of my life and give my heart to God to flee the wrath to come to those that willfully reject their Creator and Savior.
The next dream I can recall happened after I was married. I had decided to live the “good life” after I was married. I wanted to continue a shallow life and focus more on living as worldly as we wished. One night God pointed at a clock and said “Time is Short, Redeem the Time for the Days are evil.” I woke up crying and told my wife what I seen. I took a look at my life and changed. My wife wasn’t always excited about my change especially when I asked her to get rid of some of her most flamboyant dresses.
Over a period of time I became curious what kind of fight we were really engaged in as Christians. Who was the devil? Etc. I asked God for vision on this matter. After I had forgotten about my request I received a dream one night. I was in a bus depot waiting on a Greyhound bus. It was so clear and real that I thought it was real life. There was a commotion by the soda and snack machines. A man started to beat on them and was very angry. He was cursing and intent on violence. A lot of people started to make for the door when it was rumored that he had a gun. I seen the exit sign and followed some people to make a get away before something happened. Somebody tapped me on the shoulder and told me, “Wait, watch what will happen”. I turned around and seen some security guards approach the man. I seen the man and looked at the mans eyes and sensed immense hate. The man’s flesh tore apart and he became a dragon. I realized at that point that he was the devil. The guard’s guns had no effect, but what affected me was the tremendous hate that I felt towards all that were created in the image of God. I awoke once again in a sweat and prayed. Now I know the difference between a nightmare and a vision. I have dreamed a fair bit and forget most of my dreams. A nightmare will scare me and then leave me. A dream of God is something I do not forget and it brings me closer to Him or bares good fruit. In this last dream I was struck with the thought that I still should not fear but rather Trust God. I went to work to carpool and knew I had to tell what had happened. As we sat in the truck waiting for the boss my co-worker was likewise eager to relate a dream that he had had the same night. In it God had told Him fear not what men shall do unto you, but fear Him that is able to cast your body and soul into hell. We were both impressed how God had spoken. My rule of thumb is similar to what Joseph’s brothers said:
…We shall see what will become of his dreams. Gen. 37:20. If it is from God it will bare good fruit and agree and line-up with His Word, the Bible. Too many have gone astray when they put so much on the vision even though that it does not line-up with God’s word. That is the way of seducing spirits. They twist and try to pry you away from the Word of God.
Just let us not run away from seeking prophesy and vision from the Lord. Life was meant to be rich to those that follow God. That is not to mean rich with material things, but rich in the love and mercies of God. When God visits you in the day, you feel like singing and are encouraged to press on. So we need it because another test will surely be around the corner. It is truly lamentable in our Christian life if we have a testimony as Saul: “God is departed from me, and answered me no more, neither by prophets, nor by my dreams…”(Saul) 1 Sam 28:15. Let’s be willing to share our Spirit led inspirations and visions while we live, and not only a testimony to be related after we pass….

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Walt Brown's Hydroplate Theory Is The Best Out There

Hey if you want to stretch what you think you know about Noah's flood, check out the Hydroplate theory. Of course, it is not being paraded around the science community, because it makes more sense than the millions of years, blah, blah, blah. Just imagine ten miles below the crust is a resevoir band of water under amazing amount of under ten miles of rock kind of pressure. This band is reinforced by pillars of rock that keep the earth from spinning like a gyro. They have actually dug that deep and found evidence of that water and those supporting pillars well. Well when the fountains of the deep were opened that underground ocean split the earth at the seams. Look at the fissures and under water fault lines and mountain ranges. As they shot out the water the ground depressed all around them. The present day plates that shift are moving on the residue water deep under the ground. There is no other way to explain how such masses can move as the do. Other points to ponder is the craters on the moon facing the earth. There is not so many on the other side. Comets ice particles have revealed that they have originated from earth and contain plant material. It sounds wild because nobody till now was able to dig so deep and have the tech knowledge to reesearch these findings. Plus it blows holes in the millions of years theory. Okay just read the In the Beginning by Walt Brown or better yet phone Stewart Loomis and ask for a Flood Creation Talk. The book by Brown is a text book for Creationists. A perfect gift for that die hard scientist that you know that wants only the hard facts. Brown has tried to open up his material to debate with the rest of the science community since the eighties, but nobody is willing for the challenge. Even Wikipedia tries to skirt the issue, and yet it makes common sense on a lot of points. It is too big a picture to place here so let this do.


I am not neccessarily a big Watchman Nee fan, but I found two books of his that really challenged how I looked at my Christian life. Some of His books, I read are like wow, is this extra curricular stuff really what I have to sift through right now. These books I read were already concepts that were spinning in my head put I couldn't develop them into words. Authority and Submission is a straight forward Bible study of chapter 16 of Numbers and the David and the House of Saul relationship. Just when you thought you were free from authority issues and offences. Even if you are crucify the flesh and start reading. I recommended it to a brother and he related that he spent 45 minutes on the first page and a half. It's not hard to read-its just something you let sink in. For instance if you find yourself harping on policemen, goverment officials, and ministers that's an indicator how you look at God's authority, because he is the authority and no one can exercise authority unless he grants it. You need to read it for yourself. The next book is Break the Outer Man and Release the Spirit. I call this a great thought provoker and a deeper look into the topic of Revival. Explains the reason for my shallowness, and the problem of having my "hands too full" to help the Lord. It has some meat, but I would have liked to see more scripture like the first book. He describes the Spirit trapped in our outer earthly man shell. We have to break down the outer man (crucify, etc.) so the inner man can shine through. Every mishap and test in our life is from God to help in the breaking of the outer man. Like I said there is some thought provoking material in this book that wants to make you say, "that's what it is-now I know," but I just caution the reader to have the Bible in the other hand before just swallowing it all as "gospel."It has challenged and encouraged me to accept the refininer's fire in all areas of my life , not have my hands too full, and wait on the Lord and let the Spirit shine more out of my life. Any book that promotes those concepts and crucifying the flesh can't be too far from the narrow way. Let me know what you think.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Christmas Book List

I have been secretively hoarding my winter reading supply. I have just dipped into the Heavenly Man about Brother Yun from the Chinese House Churches. It is in our Church libraries, but I would advise dropping by Amazon and getting a cheaper used copy. It will stretch your Faith. I begun reading the book as a skeptic, but you realize these people were under a lot of constant stress and God gave them the grace to do some amazing things. The main character prayed for the impossible- He prayed for a Bible around sixteen years of age. He got one and then preceded to memorize the whole book of Matthew and the Book of Acts. His first sermon was reciting the whole book of Matthew. By the time his teen years were through he had led over two thousand to Christ. I guess you'll have to read it if you want to know more...
Since I was reading about China, I got a couple Watchman Nee books about the Holy Spirit. I advise that there is some deep trues presented from one that suffered tremendous tests, but I also keep in mind that he was influenced by Darby and other doctrines that I would use caution to discern. He is like a Chinese Andrew Murray.
The other Chinese book was about finding Genesis in the ancient Chinese writtings by C.H. Chang. I will post later after I have had a chance to read it.
In the Beginning by Walt Brown is a Sumner Loomis classic for those interested in the "real flood theory" It will blow your mind. Stewart Loomis bases his Creation talks on this book or rather he borrows heavily for material and graphics. Worth a look. It is a text book that is updated nearly every year and breaks down some heavy stuff for all to understand. It's not very expensive to get the seventh edition. Got to run.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Christ's Remedy Against Materialism: The Doctrine of Nonaccumalation

This writing is a test, see if you pass. It is thought provoking and probably holds more truth than we realize. See the link at Give comment and discuss with others. What does it mean to us in our day and age?

A Vision?

Make of it what you will, I am not dogmatic about it, it just happened....
I had a vision come to me the other day at work. I know others have had these things happen to them, though you do not hear about it much. At first I thought it was just imagination, etc, but it came on so strong that I had to sit down until it was over. This is the first time that I can remember that this has happened during the day, but it seemed quite clear and took my full attention. Than these scenes started to unfold. I could not really do anything until it was quite over. First I realized everything was over and that I was entering heaven. Things were not so clear other than we entered the gate and a tremendous relief was that we had finally made it. People were having small reunions with family members with those that passed on before. It seemed that there was no big hurry, because time didn’t matter so much. I noticed a couple that stood a ways inside the gate and greeted every one as their children and realized that they were Adam and Eve. I also recognized Noah and Moses as you walked along. It was just fascinating to think who you would see next. Of course everybody was making their way to Jesus. Before I got there I traveled up back towards the gatehouse with many others to see the last glimpse of what we had just escaped. It was a dry wasteland scene that looked like the great west American basin and a chasm like the Grand Canyon. Beyond the chasm we could see a long endless line working itself down to the horizon. We flew over there and looked down upon them. They were the damned. Walking about ten abrest they were escorted by equally sullen fallen angels. Most were looking downward, but I perceived all manner of perversions and unrest radiating from the group and an utter hopelessness. All along their way were earthly things that people valued. Cars, equipment, computers, and status symbols. One, who I perceived as a rich man ran up to a convertible Porche and started beating on it with a great fury. He cried out, “you’re the reason I did not make it!” His moment ended when one of the giant escorts reached him and back handed him into the throng. The creature snarled, “No it was the deceitfulness of thy own heart.“ The man somersaulted back into the crowd from the blow and I didn‘t see him again. I realized he had a new body that was indestructible which he would enter eternal torments. The items along the road mocked its travelers reminding them of their former lives and earthly hopes. There was one point along the way that they could stop and look back towards the direction we came and see Heaven. Some never stopped or looked up, but continued on there way. Up to this point I hadn’t noticed much noise. Now it seemed I could hear despair. Finally The road ended before the great abyss. It was like a giant force hurled them into the void. Now I heard great noise and noticed I myself was crying out loud. It became very clear to me it was only God’s grace that had kept me from such fate. It was a faceless throng, I only knew that in some way each had not accepted God’s plan for their lives.
We went back form the way we came and I looked down into the chasm and seen a wild torrent of water wash away souls that had tried to cross unworthily. When we arrived back at the gatehouse I didn’t look back it was over. I made my way towards the center. When I perceived that I was in front of my Savior, I fell at His feet in gratitude knowing he was the only reason that I could be where I was at. I never looked up. I know great music and happy sounds where happening all around especially from the great square. I looked to my right and noticed some people waving at me- and realized it was my church people. It was a sizeable group, but dwarfed by the many others making their way to the square. I was invited to a reunion, so it seems. Pretty soon we came upon an open area with a large platform or place where all our attention was drawn. The verse about how the last shall be first suddenly came to mind. One of the first upon the stage was a little girl from Bombay, India was invited up. Her mother had been a prostitute in the city. A missionary had some how reached the little girl and taught her about Jesus. Even though her and her mother were badly misused, she would pray every night to Jesus for her mother. Amongst the multitude and the dark and hopeless situation she had been in she had prayed to the Savior nearly unnoticed by all. Now she received her reward. The whole square erupted in cheers. The thought was lifted that that wasn’t all. Through her prayers her own mother was aided to accept Jesus as well. Her mother appeared and again their was a great noise of rejoicing and music. I was impressed that no man on earth had ever received such an applause. The little girl only said it was only because of Jesus…Next there was a boy who was beat to death by a drunken father. He had prayed for his father. We all cheered for the boy and how he had suffered for Christ’s sake. Then it was announced that his prayers had not gone unanswered, but his father had later repented and was saved by the blood. At that point he was reunited to embrace his son. I realized everybody would eventually have his turn. We never grew tired of the stories of the Redeemed. When somebody you knew got up it was really exciting. There was too much to take in and at this point it seemed to be over, except that the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. I also remembered praying earlier to the Lord for more of a vision on Heaven and that my prayer had been answered. I cannot tell you that this is how it will be, but this picture was as clear as I have written. It was more about the fact that heaven is like the greatest moments you can imagine- magnified. It was not like I seen so much, but it was like feeling such relief, thankfulness, joy and peace combined. I thought of sporting events and great demonstrations and how they had no comparison to the euphoria that we will experience. The fact that we were all there because of Jesus was also very prominent in my mind. The next Sunday a sermon was preached on Heaven that seemed to confirm God speaking to me. You can question what I have written to whatever extent you desire. I only know it inspired me to greater faithfulness in following the Lord and making sure I make my destination.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lasstik, Haiti

Kevin Bronson has left for Haiti-Monday. Lorne Toews from Enderby is going to conduct a blast survey. Roger Jantz from Winton is going along as the new project fund raiser. Wish them luck!

Stewart Loomis is in Faunsdale

I heard is talk last fall in Winton California- Good stuff on Creation, the flood, and his personal experience in finding God. He used to work with Von Braun in the sixties during NASA's push to the moon. He also worked in depth with transistors. I was interested about him saying that they could have found a preflood ship. It had a computer on board consisting of gears for calculating global positioning. I would like more back ground on this for somebody that has more time. He also mentioned a book I want to read. Ark Fever about different expeditions in search of Noah's Ark. Until then...

10 Points for the Challenged Tract Worker

1. PACE YOURSELF-Luke 14:28-30- It is not a one or two man crusade: Lasting results need to include as many people as possible. Realize attainable goals and raise the bar after the goals are achieved. Don’t burn all your fuel (enthusiasm) up at once, build up the fire over time including others.

2. ENJOY THE CHALLENGE-Col. 3:22-24- If you are doing it “as unto the Lord” you should be able to have a smile on your face and believe that the “battle belongs to the Lord.” Be creative and enjoy the challenge. You’ll not know what the Lord can work with your humble witness. You may have planted a seed that will sprout years later.

3. KEEP TRACTS ON HAND-2 Tim. 4:2-They say you are not a tract worker unless you have tracts on hand. More than half the time you need them you do not have them with you.

4. BE ORGANIZED-I-1 Cor. 14:40 It is a detriment to progress to know you will have to sift and sort out a number of boxes every time you want to go on a route. The boxes should be marked and ready to go. The church entry tract rack is a good indicator in if the tract men are on the ball. Hopefully they are not just dusty.

5. KEEP THE CONGREGATION INFORMED-Pro. 11:14- It is a congregational effort- try to make everybody involved.. A lot of failure in tract work is that people forget it exists.

6. INQUIRE FOR AND READ AREA RESPONSE LETTERS FROM GOSPEL TRACT-Luke 10:2- Reminds everybody that it is a real responsibility and that many others out there are passing out tracts even if we were too preoccupied else where.

7. TRY TO HAVE THREE AND NO LESS THAN TWO PERSONS ON A ROUTE-Ecc.4:9-12-It seems three is a good number to have on a busy route. The fellowship flows and you can keep the moral up on a slow day. A couple should invite a youth, older person, widow, or other family person to visit with and keep the route from becoming to much of a ritual drudgery.

8. GATHER AND HAVE TRACT ROUTE SATURDAY TO BRING ROUTES UP TO DATE-1 Cor.12:14-Have a number of brethren show up, number off, and enjoy fellowship in bringing the gospel to others.

9. STRATEGIZE-Pro.29:18- Whether you have colleges, homeless, Spanish migrant workers or some other special interest group in your area, make an effort to try to reach them with special tracts and other outreach that could bear fruit.

10. PRAY-Luke 18:1- The work is the Lords and it is always important to entreat him to guide and bless your efforts as he sees best.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Corn Cob Commitment

This is a picture of a thirteen kernel corn cob from Lastic Canyon. This is a sample of their hillside corn yield. Talk about recession! What does it mean to you and me? I call this picture a rallying call to not forget those that really hunger- physically or spiritually. I even consider myself as that corn cob. Really how fruitful am I to help relieve other's pains or even help to supply other's needs on a volunteer basis? The next question is how selfish am I? How covetous? Do I ever lust after those things that I should not? I think of David and how he as a king lived his life with plenty to enjoy. When Nathan told him the parable of the wealthy man that took the last sheep of the poor man, David was upset and yet he was the guilty one. I have to admit that today I recognize myself as being guilty. My righteousness is as filthy rags- If it were not for the grace of God- there go I. God looks down and says he will supply all our needs if we are obedient. Yet we always desire more or we do not quite have it good enough. How do you think he feels about helping a bunch of winos that have plenty when others are growing corn cobs for food like the one depicted. I stand in need of a corn cob commitment: to not forget the pain and sorrows of others. It is also a commitment that no matter how much I think I hurt-somebody has had it worse. To be offended at anyone is also unpardonable in light of all that God has given me. I really appreciated the article in the Messenger by Tyson Zeiset it underscores what I am trying to express today. May I be forgiven for my failings and receive grace and courage to crucify self and keep trudging up the hill helping others all along the way.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Passing Out Tracts In Denver Airport

I figured on my flights from California to Atlanta would provide me with an opportunity to spread the Word. My first flight from Sacramento to Denver was a red eye flight. Since I had three seats to myself I crashed and fell asleep. When I got to the airport I was slightly groggy and not really in the mood for person to person contacts. Instead I took a walk to get brunch. On my way I challenge myself to think of places to leave a tract. Telephone booth. Internet booth. Bathroom. On the way back check if they are gone. Leave one or two in locations that you can monitor from where you are waiting for a flight. On the way back my bysitters were heavy into their pay-to-view movies. I have to admit that they were fairly interesting. On the way to California in contrast some of my bysitters talked the whole flight. You win some you lose some in the lottery of airplane seating. I tried out passing those picture tracts. I ordered their basic tracts and a sampler. I would say it strikes me to recommend people to stick with gospel tracts in your tract work, because you know they are doctrinally sound and you know they people that stand behind them. These others are for profit and I feel I need to be careful which ones I pass out. I use them only for special applications were it seems they would do the most good.I want to only pass out that literature that is sound and of a good report. It does come in handy to have tracts on your person especially while tripping. My sister introduced me to some of her fellow Adventist friends. Eventually we talked about our beliefs. An older lady called me to her car to give me a "gift". It was a tract book. My hand was in my pocket and I returned with another gift. I thought it was kind of funny that we were both handing out literature. However I found out that my sister was impressed that we are ready to pass out tracts at all times. I wish I could be half that diligent-so long.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Operation Lasstik Haiti

I was at Kevin Bs for supper last night and have been updated on the canal project up in Lasstik Haiti. It is an effort that can irrigate around a 1,500 acres of arid valley in central Haiti. The project is located in a canyon about a hour or so from Port-au-Prince. There was a underground pipe that ran up into a dam and ran a number of miles down to the valley. Well the flood waters and erosion buried the dam and the pipe through time. Now they have cut into the side of the hill to run a canal on a more even grade that will drop the water into the same pipe. This canal will have special features to take care of the silt. That is an article in itself. CSI a humanitarian organization has been running the project for the last number of years. Since the last hurricanes and devastation they have focused their attention to other areas of Haiti. They had hired local men to work for rice and later ordered a backhoe with jack hammer to aid the twenty to thirty men in the work. The CSI unit boys supervised the project. I was in Haiti for two weeks two years ago and was impressed with the effort. I have been keeping up with it here and there and now yesterday I was looking at detailed plans and photos of what is now going on. It is a worthy project that needs to be completed. I will keep you posted on what is going on there. A blasting survey is going to be conducted shortly to loosen up 5,000 cu yds of rock. Kevin B. is doing a lot of leg work in the states, Well Mr. Raymond W. is doing the work on the Haiti side. However it is possible that more help and support will be needed in February to put the prep work into action to get that water into that valley to allow the farmers to feed their people. If you feel you have something to contribute to this effort in any way let me know and I'll direct you to who you need to talk with.

More Books....

I guess it is no surprise to those that know me, but I love to read. I did not learn to read till I was in Grade three. At that time I was transfered from Public French immersion school to Mennonite private school. I have always liked those books best that really teach me something. Sometimes fiction foots the bill, but usually it is nonfiction. If it doesn't edify and help build good character what good is it? Of course I have thos unwind times were I just want to relax read. However it is here are a list of books that I recommend to those that are interested in learning about others that you would like to reach out to.

Run Baby Run by Nicky Cruz of course is a Christian classic. About a Dominican street tough who knows little about love works himself up in a New York City gang. One day is confronted by a hillbilly preacher and then things start to happen. Its a read at least twice in your life book. The Cross and the Switchblade by the preacher Wilkerson is also a good companion read. Nicky Cruz is still preaching in the big cities across the Americas and Europe.

Across Mountains More Mountains by Tracy Kidder is a fair read about a Harvard doctor who uses his resourses and influence to help improvished Haitian peasants. He is all about helping the little man. He is not a religious man though the book challenges our selfishness at the expense of others.

Black Like Me by Griffin is a book to understand the Black problem in America. A white man dyes his skin black and goes under cover realizing that there is another side to America. I can relate with his book. It will help you see the other side.

These books are just a quick list that needs editing. I feel every book you read you need to be careful what spirit it is feeding and what is the authors agenda. The next person breezes through it and it is done and over. I will let you be the judge. I just liked these books because they opened my eyes to the cry that is out there and how we can reach out.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The People Under the Overpass

In these hard times one notices more homeless on the streets or so it seems to me. I have been involved in a few mission programs as a volunteer in New York City and latter in Church ministries in LA. When I lived close to Merced, CA you would also see homeless everyday to and from work pan handling. These activities have not failed to open my eyes to being down and out. Your impressed also with the colorful character that is also represented in these people. As we would sing,give testimony, and preach I would wonder what is the appropiate inspiration to share. All things said I do take for granted the blessings of which I am steward over. The Lord loves all men he is no respector of persons. Even though our lives seem at times to be worlds apart we are equal in the sight of God. If so how can I more effectively reach out to the homeless.
Now that I have moved to Alabama I do not have much contact with inner city homelessness. Even so I have picked up a good book on the subject while visiting California this week. It is helping me stay connected. It is called Under the Overpass by Mike Yankoski. I am not done, but have already benefited from the authors material. It is about two youths going homeless for five months in various cities across the United States. You can find the book at Barnes and Nobles in the Christian Inspiration section. I have heard good feedback from different ones and finally took the plunge and started reading it myself.
He says out of twenty-seven chapel services he attended about twenty focused on hell, condemnation, sin and eternal suffering. He suggests that for such a "physical needy group" they need a little more upbeat message, since they are surrounded already by misery and hopelessness. He doesn't say these are not relevant parts of the gospel message, but suggests these people are attracted by messages of love and deliverance. Peace of Mind in a Troubled World might still be the best tract to handout in the city. If you have read this book or have thoughts on the ministry to the homeless give your thoughts and comments.

Monday, October 5, 2009


Well folks we are now ready to launch Operation Noah's Ark. The inspiration for this idea was born in the Southeast District meeting of Gospel Tract Society. I was like we need a place for brethren to share ideas across districts and time tables. A tract worker gets involved in the work and yet feels many times as a lone ranger. It is encouraging to have a place to share ideas that one can view at random for inspiration. I want to commit myself to more faithful service in these small yet most important duties of Christian life. I feel there is much work too be done for the laymembers. The start of missionary work does not just start in board rooms or mission fields, but it starts in the heart and actions of every born again believer. The witness that we leave at home or in the public is what matters at the end of the day. Have any thoughts or suggestions post them. Let's make it real.

Picture Tracts

I have a concern about reaching American Youth in our communities. We know American attention spans are not very long. I have ordered some tracts from Chick publications to review. I have seen them here and there. They make an impact and are pretty captivating even for myself. I just would like feedback on what you think of using them for personal handouts alongside our tracts. They maintain the basic Doctrine that you must be born again. They do not shy away from the fact that their is a heaven and a hell in the balance. He has a few out of the two hundred that have references to the millenium. I wondered if any one had suggestions or cautions on pursuing to use these tracts for personal handouts. Please share some of your thoughts on this or check out their website by googling Chick Publications. If you know of any other sound youth oriented tracts let me know.