Wednesday, June 23, 2010

How God Can Change You- from a story called "God Will Use You Mightily" from VOM

This morning I was wondering if I would have an inspiration for devotions. I read my Bible while rocking the baby about the David growing old while fighting the sons of Goliath. It was inspiring but then by hap chance I picked up a VOM magazine and read about Abdulmasi, a man that converted from being a Muslim extremist turned Christian. He was Nigerian and had once been a persecutor of Christians in his country. He had a rough calloused up bringing that allowed him to commit crimes such as bombing churches, taking place in planning riots, and finally infiltrating churches. He was apparently known as "Mr. Insecticide" for his role in exterminating Christians. Eventually he noticed that after bombing a Church the people were still gathering in the ruins and worshipping God. He decided the next step would be to infilterate Churches from the inside. He posed himself as a Muslim interested in Christ and realized he was in for more then he bargained for. He led two lives in two religions and found himself in inner conflict. Finally he went to a church rally and heard a sermon about Elijah challenging the people and Baal's prophets. The preacher emphatically called on the audience to quit trying to live a double life and "If God is God worship God". That was too much for Abdulmasi. He had thought he had been found out and came forward after the service and confessed his true motive in coming to church for six years. In this he received a break through. God reached down and made him a new man.

It was also impressive that from that point on he commented, " The minute my heart changed, something happened, the persecution started that very day." Right from then on attempts were made on his life and later his family. This all started in the 70's. They killed his son attending univercity for being his "father's son" in 2007. Abdulmasi says, "It was VERY difficult, but there is no sacrifice that is too big for God." Today he continues his ministry, "I discovered that love is the have to love them, not with a human type of love, but the love you yourself have experienced through Christ."

I got this story and summarized it from Voice of the Martyrs, June 2010 issue. This story inspired me to love more with "Christ's love" and be willing that persecution will come when you choose to really serve God. In any case let us redeem the times, because the days are evil........

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