Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pinzi Ambulance for Haiti Clinic

Was with Keith Toews tonight at Dave Wengers in Alabama. He was being reviewed at the annual meeting to discuss his clinic yesterday. Here is a Pinzi Ambulance similar to the one that is presently in Haiti customs. It was donated along with other equipment in a container for free  by a man from Canada that is involved with providing equipment for humanitarian projects. The catch is that customs can tax such items coming into the country and the bill just to clear the container through customs can cost upward of $10,000-20,000 US. This is alot of funds considering the operational cost of running the clinic. It was a miracle how this came about and I guess they rely on miracles and provisions from God to keep this operation going as He so desires. Prayer is the answer. My continued interest is that it is our privilege to share with others the blessings God has bestowed upon us. Haiti is such a privilege since even a little can go such along ways--- as is the case with this clinic in Oriani. 

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