Our local congregation has been involved in outreaching to our state prisons. Using Gospel Tract racks and tracts we send them in boxes to all the county jails and prisons; addressed to either their social workers and chaplains free of charge. This program has been in operation in Wisconsin for 15 years. More states and congregations need to be a part of this program. What better way to rehabilitate prisoners than to provide them with solid Gospel literature that points them to the Word of God. We send a letter and two four pocket racks in a specially sized box provided by Gospel Tract in Moundridge KS. This is done once a year. If more tracts are needed our personalized stamp on each rack or the Gospel Tract address on each tract gives them a source for more literature or info. This is a rewarding work for the tract worker and helps keep the congregation in touch that there are people ---that we do not see that we can reach out to.
For more info on Gospel Tract and samples: http://churchofgodinchristmennonite.net/node/29
Peace of Mind in a Troubled World [text]: http://churchofgodinchristmennonite.net/node/23
Facebook Page? http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gospel-Tract-Bible-Society/168457219833751
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