Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Check out Messenger Articles

Small notation: Check out article by Rueben Shirk from Virginia in last messenger. Also read article about Intellectualism by Reg Isaac in latest Messenger. Any comments on either one? I might right a little more latter. The Messenger of Truth is our church's bi-monthly magazine of articles written by Church members.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I found both of those articles very timely and spoke right to my heart. I know that intellectualism can be a binding, blinding force. Knowledge without power. Also regarding Reuben's article.. like he brings out, it seems like the evil one is doing all he can to sow discord in a time when we should all stand together. Let's keep the faith. Looking forward to more of your thoughts on this.

  3. Reg's article unambiguously showed my own folly and heart's need. I think I will need to re-read it a few times though. My bus that runs from the mind to the heart seems to be broke down too often.
    Reuben's is simply a challenge. A very practical, realistic struggle we are having in the Church. Could a lack of love and self-right spirits be the reason for conflict?
