Saturday, September 8, 2012

New Birth in E. Africa: Victories on the Battlefield Part 1

Phillip and the Ethiopian from the Book of Acts   

These are experinces of real people in our present time of 2012. Christians read to relate and rejoice and searching soul  read for inspiration to follow Jesus.There is no other way.

Oluoch: I did not worship anywhere. When John came he preached good doctrine. I decided to follow God, and am following up until now. I love the word of God. Nothing is greater. I want to learn more of God’s word so I can be baptized. I prayed hard to see the kingdom of God.
On witchcraft: I felt I could not serve two masters. I wanted to serve God, so destroyed witchcraft items even though no one knew I had those things.
I want only salvation. I felt very dirty and sinful which is why I exposed my witchcraft. Today I feel very clean.

Lots of discussion on the way to be saved. He seemed able to identify.

Wife of Oluoch – Mary: Before I was married I prayed, but when I married I found my husband did not. We attended church for a while, but there was no salvation so we left. We were just home until John came. I rejected all the sin in the world.
Oluoch says she used to be much angry but now has changed. They pray together.
Moses: I worshipped before before, but I found after listening to John that I was not born again. I was religious but not born again. Today I feel like I am born again. I loved worshipping with instruments, shouting, dancing and clapping. Now I don’t like these things. They are dead in my life.

When I was a boy I did the things of the flesh. When I received Jesus these things died in my life because I have received the word of God. I can’t dance in the disco, run with the girls, etc... I repented of abuse, etc... Also pride was in my life but God saved me. These things are no longer in my heart. I was baptized but the water did not wash my sins, only the blood of Jesus. I have peace.

The spirit has been speaking to me about walking with people who don’t believe, bad books with murder scenes, music, traditional customs. I testified of my sins to God. After I was born again I testified first to my wife. My friends also know of my change; they would be afraid now to offer me beer.

His wife says that he was angry and cruel but now all has changed.
Moses later read the verse about the merchant man and the pearl of great price. He said he also felt he had found the pearl of great price and sold everything. In the church where he was he was respected. But he counted that as nothing. He returned them their documents and told them he had found something very precious. He also talked small of his plans to get rid of his DVD and radio, and wants to build a house with the money from selling them.

Wife of Moses – Pendo: Before, I prayed but I did not know the light. I heard the teachings of being born again from John. I knew I was not born again. This is why I decided to be born again. God saved me from all the words of the world and the things I was doing. I repented of adultery and music. Now these things are not in my life and I don’t want to remember them. I pray to God for help with temptations.

Sometimes in the night God spoke to me telling me there was a preacher somewhere. Now I desire to be part of the Church because of the teachings.

Moses says she has repented. She no longer does the worldy things she did. She was very bad but now is Ok.

Ochieng: I was religious but had no contact with Jesus. After the teachings I heard, I met Jesus. I was bad, angry, beating people with clubs, I drank and did drugs, loved music, committed adultery. When I heard John teaching about life – any who follow Jesus can have everlasting life- this touched me. I felt bad for the deeds and received a change. I no longer desire those things. Even there was a party nearby but I had no desire to go. Those who saw me sitting at home asked me to go. I said no, I have something better. I cannot mix it with those things. I have left all those things.

Satan tempted me in the night. I saw Satan’s power. It came as if to strangle me. Before I received Jesus, I heard a voice saying, "If something strangles you, ask in the name of Jesus for help." When those spirits came I forgot to use the name of Jesus and used my own power. After the teachings I began to pray. Now I am free of that thing. One day I saw the light and I know Jesus is in my life.

He says he has not confessed to anyone yet, but is ready and willing. He reads the Bible and finds answers there.

Wife of Ochieng – Molly: Before before I prayed. I was baptized but did not understand. When John taught about baptism I felt to be born again. After John’s message on the new birth I understood and accepted. I have told my friends. I left the bad things after hearing the gospel. I felt bad, prayed to God, telling him all my sins. I now feel meek, not angry. Before when I prayed my prayer did not go to God, but now I feel I am talking to God.

Ochieng says she was born again before he was. He saw that now they could work together well; before she did not obey him. Now they always agree.

Ezron: I met Jesus in ’64 in Pentacostal. I was a sinner, I was fighting. Nobody dared to fight me, even with a stick. I was bad. When I met Jesus these things left my life. From then to now I am in Jesus. When John came he found me in the Holy Spirit and I received his teaching. Some temptations had come to me between, and when John came I remembered and realized I was going back to sin. Now I am free and have found salvation. I don’t fear to die because I will die in Jesus.

Philemon: I used to be a fighter and a drunkard but left all of that and chose blessing instead of condemnation. I also left playing ball because of the witchcraft practices there.
In a vison or dream, I went into a church and found all the people in darkness, sleeping. I asked , "How can I find a true church?" I was taken to a small place, and saw two people kneeling in quiet and sorrowful prayer. There were tears. My guide told me, "You need to worship like this."
I saw another thing like the end of the world. I was taken to a large plain full of weeping people. There was thunder among them. I was led to a river. We passed the troubled waters and I saw I was dipped in the blood. I saw a big and beautiful town of gold. The man told me, "If you work hard you will be here in this place."
God has been good to me but my heart is troubled when I see those in darkness.
I was very bad. I was suffering from anger but now I am free. When asked if he had requested forgiveness from those he beat, he said: They are now my friends. Ezron was my enemy but now is my friend. I went to far places to ask forgiveness and some I even paid 100, 000 shillings, because they did not want to forgive me.
Later he talked of how white missionaries in Mwanza offered him a vehicle and place to stay to join them and spread the word of God. He refused.

Wife of Philemon – Rojeana: I am in God and have done nothing bad in him. I was a sinner but when I heard the word of God I am in the word of God. I am born again because I am not sinning. I was angry but now I am not. I loved the world and was making my hair fashionable, but now I don’t like these things. Now I am not doing wrong. I love God.
I heard the word of God and realized sin is bad. I knelt and prayed to God. I asked God to take my heart and life, because the world remains here. I testified to Philemon the things I did in darkness, things he did not know.

Philemon says he saw a vision of him and Jared worshipping God with their wives. The wives were in darkness, while they were in light. They fasted and prayed. They knelt together and prayed and asked all bad spirits to leave them. Out of Philemon’s wife went three spirits. After this his wife came to him and testified of having met God.

Jared also says she has changed. She used to abuse him. Now they love each other.

Mama Philemon says that before Rojeana’s change when she talked with her Rojeana would shout at her. Now if there is a problem she is just quiet.

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