Monday, August 8, 2011

How We Should Pray: Guide for Today's Christians

On Sunday, Minister Chet Esau gave an example of how we pray (and how we
SHOULD pray)... for the day, this and that, food, missionaries, blah
blah, and then ourselves, we do a full circle and then we run out of
things to pray about, sort of fade out. That silence at the end of our
intellectual prayer is when real prayer is ready to start, when the Holy
Spirit can begin speaking to us and we should just continue in 'real
heart prayer'. Just let our thots go and if we think about a certain
person, pray about that, if about buying a bike, pray about that, and
all sorts of other relationship stuff that comes up, just keep on
praying about all life stuff, then wait on our Father to speak again.
This is what he suggested the Bible men did when they prayed all night,
not just verbally or in actual words all night, but waiting, sighing,
praying, like cut thru all the routine or fancy formal words. This makes
prayer easy for children and youth, all of us! Make sense? This is a
relief to me, to many others here :)! Have a wonderful inspiring day.

submitted by L. Giesbrecht

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