This site is dedicated to the sharing of ideas and experiences of spreading the gospel in these last days. Christians are accountable to warn their fellow men about the Second Coming of Christ, whether it is through personal contacts, tract work, or preaching of the Word. As Noah we stand before an open door inviting any and all to enter before it is too late.....
Friday, January 29, 2010
Witnessing To the Evil Around Us
I know you will probably raise an eyebrow at this article, but it needs to be shared. Are you ready to witness even to those people you can't imagine would be interested in Christ. Think of the roughest types, bikers, satanists, witches, and you name it. Why? Why not? Jesus loves them as much as he loves you. He came to heal those that need him. Alot of those people have been so tormented by their master by sins and lies that it is time for a break through. It amazes me how the media pokes at the fact that Haiti is riddled with Voodoo. Be not fooled it is here to. It is bigger than you want to imagine.
We are so materialistic in Western culture that it is hard for us to accept that spirits are at work overtime. We say yeah we believe in a devil, etc. If you really believed in the spirit world you would be spending alot more time on your knees. The media, evolution, world religions, Communism, and the Occult world have a lot in common: They preach anti-Christ. Even counterfiet Christian religious groups like Mormonism, Jehovah Witnesses, and even elements of the High Churches like the Catholic Church, twist the message of Christ. The destructive drug culture is also in the same work to undermine and destroy. Dysfunctional famalies and confused sexual orientation leave kids numb to really know what is their role in life. Abuse of women and children is part of the agenda. But wait.........the good news is that there is an answer....their is something you can do.....It is share the Hope that lieth within you. Share the Blessings of Jesus Christ! Where there is darkness, grace can much more abound. As it gets darker his light shines brighter!
The secret is to exercise your faith and love. If you are satisfied with living only a reaction orientated, passive Christian life- you might be in for a rough climb. The joy in the journey is when you see the power of the Lord work through you and touch others around you. How unworthy that we can actually mirror the Heavenly light even into the darkest places. Think of saving one soul from the brink of a eternal life in Hell. Watch that person turn from darkness to light. It is amazing! You only have to be willing to allow the Lord to use you. It is so simple that a child can do it. In fact sometimes you didn't even think you did anything.
First thing is get right with God. Anything Lord needs to be your prayer. 2. Learn to love all people no matter their culture or creed. 3. Realize your weakness as a sinner, without Christ. 4. Study the Word to learn more of the nature of your Savior. 5.Pray for Vision to see things the way God sees them. Pray for Compassion in the Home and to those you meet. 5. Exercise what you learnt with your neighbors and contacts. The next thing you know is that you never know what is around the corner for you to do.
I was raised intially in a rock and roll world. As a kid I seen abuse, perverted stuff, and heart break. I don't regret it. It has helped me to relate with others. I am very sensitive to the spirits around. I sense them in people and when they come to tempt me and even when I read books. I have had spirits living inside me as a teen. They handicapped my life in many areas until they were expelled by the Word of God and prayer. They left violently and I thought I was losing my mind, but later after hearing other testimonies I realized what had happened. I had so much baggage and depression that I tried to replace it with Bible study and Christian songs. As a vacuum was created I filled with good things and tried to starve myself from evil. It wasn't easy but it is neccessary to Christian Life. That is why I like to be careful not to always feed on the media, etc.
You can pray for Peace, but that is only the beginning. As you start the filling process it is quite natural to start putting it into practise. If you want to keep love and peace you must give it to others. It is a chain reaction. The Bible comes alive and God takes you on a journey of people and experiences that show you how He really is. His love becomes real. You are touched by others difficulties. You see things you never seen before.
I just read a book about a couple that were deep into the Occult and how they found Christ. It was note on one of his checks to the Church of Satan. The bank teller wrote that she would pray for him in Jesus name. His unearthly power and appetites left him. Slowly he was led away from darkness into light as a result of some ones willingness to pray. I try to make it habit to pray for those I meet in the day. If I see someone in distress or upset or any other scenerio, I try to make a point to pray for them. You can't talk to everyone, but you can pray. I don't feel it has to be a works thing, but the fact is that spirits are on everyones doorstep at work. Some people do not realize the source of the attacks in their life. When you pray it is like a flash of light cuts through the darkness. You do it because you love them and you want to make a difference. If the Lord allows an opportunity to witness outloud, praise the Lord, but a lot of the real witnessing is also done through prayer. Just like Abraham's intercession for Lot in Sodom. Let us to be willing to reach out in the power of prayer to those around us and just see if it won't make a difference.
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Good article, Jon! I agree with the steps that you mention, also that the spirit world is working overtime around us. Reminds me of an experience in LA where we literally felt an evil spirit at work in a young man's life. It's real. As we allow our lives to shine, the spirits will be brought to the light. I also agree that prayer is important, even if it looks like someone is hopelessly bound. If our mind has faith in God for someone, we'll also be open when He tells us what to do to help. If we think it's hopeless, how can He use us?
ReplyDeleteChad G.