Sunday, October 9, 2016

Haiti 2016 West End Update

There has been a little word of what is happening in Haiti. Considering it is Sunday -- some would like to share to their congregations soliciting for prayer for Haiti---I will post this from our brother M. J.'s letter. 

There are also dialogues going on about what is the best way to operate disaster relief for the hard to reach affected area, involving Haitian brethren versus sending in so many Americans. Also it is better to send money than flood the country with any more free food which lowers the value of (existing) Haitian grown produce. Better to have a dollar bill buy local than put locals out of business. Long range we need to help our brethren develop a workable partnership that respects and uses their efforts to reach their own people than just bulldoze our own American-centric version of relief effort upon them. I am talking long range as in extended relief effort, rebuilding, boys units, deciding who and how one gets helped, etc. For now we need to get water and food to people that have been without for far to long. Let's pray. Times like these are where the power of the Gospel is meant to shine out through compassion and prayer. We must go in to relieve the temporal distress, but also we are there to offer the balm of the Gospel to hearts in need. The power of prayer cannot be over empathized.

Letter Excerpt:

"The west end congregations are in much worse shape. I got a report from Todd last night. It's a lot like a 50 mile wide tornado ( which it was) went through the island there. The Bontemp brethren were found trying to fix a shelter for one of their brethren. All of there houses are damaged, from just roof damage to houses completely destroyed. There was no deaths there. So far it sounds like the Lord has spared all of our members lives. The brethren have not been able to reach Abricot yet which is right on the coast. It sounds like it's a little worse there but again no deaths of our members. It is an interesting miracle but our Church building was spared there and it housed close to 1500 displaced community people. This is hard to imagine as it is not that big of building! Todd and Greg are trying to get to Preville today. Haven't had much report from there. 

Relief Efforts (Same Letter) :

CDR,CSI, and the liaison brethren Are working hard together with the Haitian brethren to formulate a workable plan of help. The logistics and many other factors make this a complicated situation to help. I know there are many people sitting wondering why we are not doing anything but it's not that simple. Large organizations are in the same dilemma. The most acute need right now in those areas on the west is food. It looks like some money quietly placed in their hands might be the most necessary thing right now. The hunger is coming for areas that were less destroyed but it is not as acute right now as in the west end congregations.

God bless you all today."

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