Monday, July 16, 2012

To Agree or to Disagree: Patrick Enike--Wiebe Quotes

Our disagreement over one matter today should not mean we cannot work together or we cannot get along with ourselves.  If it does, it shows our sense of carnality and spiritual immaturity in our Christian experience.  Remember that is not only they with whom we always agree that challenges our capability but with they whom we sometimes have some differences.  The challenge of our capability is an opportunity to improve in the areas where our weaknesses might have been revealed by reason of our differences.

Apostle Paul confessed of Mark that he is profitable unto him for the ministry.  Brothers, sisters and family members, we are profitable unto one another.  Be our differences what they may, we are profitable unto one another.  The weakness of one another is to provoke one another’s strength.  Where a fellow brother or sister or a fellow labourers might not be useful or relevant in one occasion, he or she might be relevant and useful in another.  For such reasons we should strive to maintain harmony among us….

…We cannot afford to create enmity between us for any reason whatsoever.  The points of our agreement are usually more than the points of our common disagreement.  Let us always strive to maintain harmony in our relationship because many more reasons for our agreement are ahead of us.  Such was the case and the comments of Apostle concerning Mark.

Patrick L.O. Enike--Nigerian Minister
Paul versus Barnabas and Mark
(Acts 15:39-40 & 2 Tim. 4:11)
The Voice of Christians’ Fellowship
May 2011

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