Monday, October 3, 2011

10 Points for the Challenged Tract Worker

I wanted to review this article we published at the beginning. I have been reinvesting my time back into tract work now that my ice cream shop is closed down. We just had a tract meeting and I feel like I have neglected my duty long enough. It is time to put the hands back to the plow. I am planning to write a series of articles on this subject as we rediscover this realm of the Great Commission.


10 Points for the Challenged Tract Worker

1. PACE YOURSELF-Luke 14:28-30- It is not a one or two man crusade: Lasting results need to include as many people as possible. Realize attainable goals and raise the bar after the goals are achieved. Don’t burn all your fuel (enthusiasm) up at once, build up the fire over time including others.

2. ENJOY THE CHALLENGE-Col. 3:22-24- If you are doing it “as unto the Lord” you should be able to have a smile on your face and believe that the “battle belongs to the Lord.” Be creative and enjoy the challenge. You’ll not know what the Lord can work with your humble witness. You may have planted a seed that will sprout years later.

3. KEEP TRACTS ON HAND-2 Tim. 4:2-They say you are not a tract worker unless you have tracts on hand. More than half the time you need them you do not have them with you.

4. BE ORGANIZED-I-1 Cor. 14:40 It is a detriment to progress to know you will have to sift and sort out a number of boxes every time you want to go on a route. The boxes should be marked and ready to go. The church entry tract rack is a good indicator in if the tract men are on the ball. Hopefully they are not just dusty.

5. KEEP THE CONGREGATION INFORMED-Pro. 11:14- It is a congregational effort- try to make everybody involved.. A lot of failure in tract work is that people forget it exists.

6. INQUIRE FOR AND READ AREA RESPONSE LETTERS FROM GOSPEL TRACT-Luke 10:2- Reminds everybody that it is a real responsibility and that many others out there are passing out tracts even if we were too preoccupied else where.

7. TRY TO HAVE THREE AND NO LESS THAN TWO PERSONS ON A ROUTE-Ecc.4:9-12-It seems three is a good number to have on a busy route. The fellowship flows and you can keep the moral up on a slow day. A couple should invite a youth, older person, widow, or other family person to visit with and keep the route from becoming to much of a ritual drudgery.

8. GATHER AND HAVE TRACT ROUTE SATURDAY TO BRING ROUTES UP TO DATE-1 Cor.12:14-Have a number of brethren show up, number off, and enjoy fellowship in bringing the gospel to others.

9. STRATEGIZE-Pro.29:18- Whether you have colleges, homeless, Spanish migrant workers or some other special interest group in your area, make an effort to try to reach them with special tracts and other outreach that could bear fruit.

10. PRAY-Luke 18:1- The work is the Lords and it is always important to entreat him to guide and bless your efforts as he sees best.

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