We are leaving for Haiti in 2 days!
Wow, is it ever hard to finish things up to go! We found a vehicle in Atlanta Georgia that looks like it will fit the bill. It’s a 2000 model Ford 4x4 Diesel. Our last SUV apparently is settled into the Bahaman sea floor. We are desperately hoping and praying that this one will be granted safe passage. We are excited that God has continued to lead us to go to Haiti. We are courageous and feel His nearness as we try to move ahead in faith, in many ways not knowing how things will yet work out. Kimmie the nurse is arriving Nov 14th and we hope to be able to have our house well on the way to livable by then. We are making a 9x28 addition onto it and putting a new tin roof on. Some local church brethren dug the hole for the new outhouse, so we’ll just have to cement a lid and build it now! The clinic is getting a wall built around the yard already and we are eager to get working on getting it ready for use!
Alot of you heard of Anthony and Darla’s baby Wade and his very close brush with death. Thanks for praying for my little nephew and continue to pray that he grows strong and healthy. Please pray for the Oriani families too. In the little church there, the last 7 pregnancies have all produced 0 living children. Thats ZERO! Can Confidence Health Center help change that ratio? By God’s help I hope and pray we can!
Many people say that life is cheap in Haiti, but can you imagine the pain that is forced upon them before the calluses develop that makes Haitians numb to these things? Pray for us that numbness will not come in to deaden our senses and we accept this as normal! In our developed countries we are so blessed with good health and good health care services that I become numb to how good we have it!
Good night and keep us in your prayers that we can be used only as instruments of God.
—Keith and Candace Toews
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