But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? 1 John 3:17
Here is another brotherhood grass roots charity I picked up on. To put it in a egg shell they are helping poor individual Nigerian farmers get started in the poultry business. Boilers and laying hens. Their goal is to portray Christ's love in this way. Charles and Dennis Goossen are presently flying from Canada to check on the progress and give training on business management to the farmers already enrolled. They also are investigating the possibility of setting up a microcredit system for brethren in NA to personally assist in lending money to help these farmers and entrepreneurs in Nigeria and even other developing countries.
They originally were pushing for boilers, (chickens primarily raised for meat), until they found it difficult to market without adequate freezer storage. One of the local processing plants in Fugar they were previously going to rely on had recently shut down. However the farmers are finding an open door to set up nesting in their barns and selling the eggs which have a shelf life of two weeks (If never chilled).
The project is looking for an additional $10,800 to jumpstart this seasons pullet (baby chickens) and feed expenses. The farmers are committed to give a portion of their earnings back into Hope for Nigeria to help the next farmers.
Administration, registration costs, etc. have already been paid for and all donated monies go directly to the farmers' operating and capital loans.
They work alongside Christian Veterinary Missions of Canada www.cvmcanada.org which has experience with these sort of projects.
For more info:
See their blog at http://hopefornigeria.wordpress.com/2010/08/
Charles Goossen (founder) ---Canada
Dennis Goossen --- Canada
Ph: 204.548.4500
Fx: 204.548.4800
Roger Ensz--- Center CO. USA