This is a reacquiring topic in Christian circles and we refer to this pressure as the "Fear of Man". There are different temperments that are more independant than others, but in the end we are influenced by our peers for good or better. In a Church setting we want to be one with our brethren in unity, yet we also need to focus on that our unity is founded in the fear of God. Is it not? Anyways I came across this book heading, When People are Big and God is so Small. As I don't have money nor time to read every book I would like to, this one does seem to have some value. It apparently takes up some issue against some of the things pushed unto us by secular psychology of how we are all in deep need for peer acceptance to boost up our self esteem. This is in evidence even in books like Thomas the Train engine. How he is number one and that his friends constant upward push is what makes him successful. (Issues with Thomas?! He is a everyday presence in our world of small boys!) We need to look a little farther than peer acceptance and look to fill voids with what God has intended to fill them with. Enough said. Look at these points and see if they hold true. If you are interested in the book, here are some reviews that you may find interesting on it and the topic.
Here are the points that caught my eye in the first place.
The points Welch describes in his book include:
1. The fear of God is the best treatment for the fear of man.
2. Jesus was not a people-pleaser.
3. Having more fear of man than God is idolatry.
4. When we fear God we think of ourselves less.
5. When we spend more time with God, opinions of ourselves and what others think of us matter less.
6. We should love people more and need them less (only God can truly provide for our needs).
7. We love others because God first loved us.
8. When God is reduced to our feelings, He becomes less awesome to us while people become larger.
If any of you have read this book or others and have comments let me know. Thank-You. For me considering these points have gave me alot to think about.
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