Tuscaloosa news photo
Tuscaloosa is our town were we go shopping and now it is hard to believe how much of it is leveled. We have not been able to see any of the damage up close or have been able to help there because a couple of deadly tornadoes have hit even closer to home.
I have Google Earth and seen the tornado path KLM downloads. I clicked on my "Layers" on my tool bar "places" and unchecked all the other layers except roads and then zoomed in on Tuscaloosa on my map. You will see a blue twister emblem on the map that says Southern Tornadoes.
It will box out an area and you can clearly see the path through town. It also shows the Birmingham, AL twister which is in Jefferson County.
The big building below the path is the University Mall. The big building to the North of the path is DCH hospital. Both are on McFarland in Tuscaloosa. The intersection of McFarland and 15th Street is the one you see in quite a few pictures of the destruction. It was definitely one of the most busy commercial intersections in town. To see how the area looked before the tornado be sure to drag the street view man icon to that intersection and other areas for 360 views. To see a load of images of the destruction google Tuscaloosa News and go the McFarland albums to see this area.
Mat God be with all the people that lost loved ones, homes and jobs.