I have had to focus on writing my book, raising my family and my present job. This has not given much time to add articles to the blog. Also I have decided to cut back on my technology reliance and spend very little time on the internet. Thank-you for the interest and feel free to review the past articles in the topic categories and archives on the right.
This site is dedicated to the sharing of ideas and experiences of spreading the gospel in these last days. Christians are accountable to warn their fellow men about the Second Coming of Christ, whether it is through personal contacts, tract work, or preaching of the Word. As Noah we stand before an open door inviting any and all to enter before it is too late.....
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Oriani Haiti Continues to Grow
Our church here in Oriani is young and has normal young-congregation struggles and weaknesses, but we were really thankful for a week of revivals that really helped lift, encourage and bring some forward momentum to us here. God was good, the Holy Spirit was near, and with 4 ministers here, everyone (including us) came in for a spiritual checkup. There was good instruction given, and solid preaching done too.
Last Sunday we were blessed with a 5 hour church service that included 22 baptisms, 1 re-acceptance, and then communion, and then leaders election. Ozias will continue to serve as spiritual leader (under the guidance of missionary Min Dallas Koehn), and they elected 2 new material leaders.
This service was attended by more than 300 people. 5 hours was a long time for sitting on a 1x10 pine board, but I can say that I was inspired and enjoyed every minute of it.
Now we have another couple people who are bringing their repentance experiences to the church tomorrow night and if the Spirit witnesses to our hearts that they have risen again... they too may be re-accepted into church fellowship. If this happens, this will be a congregation of 73 Haitian members. Dallas is sorting through the applicants for the next round of doctrine class and wants to begin soon.
The challenges are big, and the continuing opportunity for spiritual work here is enormous. The people are thirsty. We see the growth here as higher than average compared to some other places, but yet we know that God`s will would be that every man come to repentance and that THOUSANDS would come. How could we handle that if it happened? Should I let these large numbers of 22 baptisms (large at least in our day and age) scare us, or make us back off abit? Do I have faith that God will be able to maintain what He has started? We also have many requests from the neighbouring area of Gwo Cheval (big horse), wondering when we can come preach the gospel to them. They genuinely want to know more. They say they are curious because they see light of truth being taught in our church and witness the changed lives of our members here. I have been looking forward to the day when we can take a few Oriani Brethren over there and start doing a Bible study or church services there. I think it would be a blessing to the Oriani brethren to get them involved and if God leads... maybe the Gospel will take off and grow over there too.
These members seem very solid for the most part and the losses have been small. These converts are examined by the Haitian people and it seems evident that they are not coming hoping for loaves and fishes. Some are poorer now than they were before becoming Christians because they do not have the many devious ways open to them to make a few dollars in these tight times. Their consciences simply do not let them live the old life.
Our medical clinic is looking after physical needs, but we feel it is all really part of the gospel outreach, and our job is to reach out spiritually as well. We feel blessed to be here. The devil has gotten in and troubled us too, but God has been good to our family, granting us many answers to prayer and deepening of our own, and our youth`s, walk with God. Our experiences here have made me a stronger Christian, and I have a strong confidence in the church.
I can`t shake the feeling that the end of time is near. Let’s make sure that the blood of Jesus has been applied to our hearts, washing us clean of the impurities of the world, freeing us from the slavery to self and corruption, making us worthy even in our unworthiness. Let`s look beyond, and be ready to soon meet Him in peace.
Keith Toews
Saturday, November 19, 2011
The Fence or the Ambulance
The Fence or The Ambulance
Joseph Malines
‘Twas a dangerous cliff, as they freely confessed,
Though to walk near its crest was so pleasant:
But over its terrible edge there had slipped
A duke and many a peasant;So the people said something would have to be done.
But their projects did not at all tally:
Some said, "Put a fence around the edge of the cliff"
Some, "An ambulance down in the valley."
But the cry for the ambulance carried the day.For it spread to the neighboring city:
A fence may be useful or not, it is true,
But each heart became brimful of pityFor those who had slipped o’er that dangerous cliff,
And the dwellers in highway and alley
Gave pounds or gave pence, not to put up a fence,
But an ambulance down in the valley.
"For the cliff is alright if your careful," they said,"and if folks even slip or are dropping,
it isn't the slipping that hurts them so much
as the shock down below-when they're stopping,"
So day after day when these mishaps occurred,
Quick forth would the rescuers sally
To pick up the victims who fell off the cliff,
With their ambulance down in the valley.
Then an old man remarked, "it's a marvel to me
that people give far more attention
to repairing results than to stopping the cause,
when they'd much better aim at prevention.
Let us stop at its source all this mischief, cried he."Come neighbors and freinds, let us rally :
If the cliff we will fence, we might almost dispense
with the ambulance down in the valley."
"Oh, he's a fanatic." the others rejoined:with the ambulance down in the valley."
"dispense with the ambulance Never!
He'd dispense with all charities, too, if he could:
no, no! We'll support them forever.
Aren't we picking up folks just as fast as they fall?
And shall this man dictate to us? Shall he?
Why would people of sense stop to put up a fence?
While their ambulance works in the valley?"
But a sensible few who are practical too,
Will not bear with such nonsense much longer
They believe that prevention is better than cure
And their party will soon be the stronger
Encourage them, then with your purse, voice and pen
And (while other philanthropists dally)
They will scorn all pretense, and put up a stout fence
On the cliff that hangs over the valley.
The Best Loved Poems of the American People
Compiled by Hazel Felleman
Published by Doubleday, 1936
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Wow, Wow,Wow : Last Word of Steve Jobs
Man of ingenuity, creativity, and technology, Steve Jobs last word were, "Wow, Wow,Wow" as he was breathing his last looking beyond his family around his bedside focused on something beyond us here. What did he see? Whatever it was it must have been impressive. We all do well to think about what lies ahead.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Fight the Good Fight
Never fight with your brethren and fellow man. If they want to fight,
make sure that they are fighting against your God, not you.
make sure that they are fighting against your God, not you.
Quote by Sam Shirk at ordination of Deacon Crispin in Kenya
Oriani Haiti Clinic Update
(Picture is of a Cholera clinic not the Oriani clinic)
Nov 11
It’s been interesting and busy the last few weeks. We have really enjoyed being involved with the cholera center. It is really cool to see people come into the clinic on their deathbed and then in a few days... go home perfectly healthy. I thoroughly enjoy stopping in there daily and I try to make a point of visiting each bed and chatting abit, and sometimes praying with them. There have been interesting answers to prayer too. God is so good! As a church we sometimes all walk over there, and sing and pray with them all. Tonight, there is one of our families that comes to church that has their 14 yr old girl, and also their 10 yr old boy laying in there on IV fluids. The boy only came down with cholera less than 20 hrs ago, and he looks like he could die any minute. We have prayed for his recovery and for strength for the family. Please join us in prayer for them. There have been about 25 deaths in the last month, but without the cholera tent and nurses here, it would have been much higher. With all that, plus our own clinic (which is running very smoothly), the emergency trips to Port with seriously sick or injured people, plus our church families and other people that need visiting, it keeps us fairly busy. Seems like way too often I don’t get home in time for lunch, or in the evening for supper on time. I may only be half a mile away, but as we walk these muddy roads we are pressed up on all sides with people wanting/needing to talk. Walk a few hundred feet, and then another person is waiting by the road to talk. I finally get home only to find someone leaning against the fence, waiting for me for an hour already. So many requests for aid, for medicine, for loans, or just to share their problems with someone who listens. It takes the leading of the Holy Spirit to be understand their heart’s cries, and in weakness offer them advice etc.
Candace and the children are doing well and have been busy as well. Lacey is still doing an awesome job with the school children, and Trev is happy working at CPS a few hours away. CPS is still rebuilding homes for earthquake victims. Zack is soon starting a welding shop with one of our church brethren here. They are excited about that. They feel they will have lots of work beings there is no welder around within even an hour’s drive. Many people have little repairs that need done on garden hoes and tools, wheelbarrows, bed frames, etc. Our younger children have lots of friends here and often our front yard is full of children playing and chasing each other. We feel we would rather have children play in our front yard rather than have our children outside of our sight, but lately our church brethren here are scolding us for being too involved with children. They say too many of these children are little thieves etc. We have lost a few little items but not much.
About 3 months ago during a all night rainstorm, while we were gone, and while a trusted church brother was sleeping in our house, we had 2 large solar panels stolen. We grieved their loss and it caused us to be more suspicious of people, but yesterday... when I went to the clinic, I found the 2 stolen panels laying beside the building!!! Wow, the thief must have had a scolding from God on that, plus he likely found they were a hard item to move or sell here because everyone knew we were missing them. So he gave up and anonymously gave them back in the night. How cool, eh? He has never confessed it but we found out who it was.
The people here in this area here have been in a dark time. Their farming has mostly failed due to 6 months of rain, their commerce and little booths by the road don’t produce much income because nobody has cash to spend, there are no construction jobs anymore because of the rains and lack of money. The price of fertilizer has tripled in the last year so they can hardly afford to buy it, yet without it their farming for sure doesn’t pay. So they are going hungry. Our hearts bleed for our dear friends. One of the many many examples is our church brother Dieu Fe who has 12 mouths to feed, and his school teaching job is bringing in about half of what he really needs to barely support his family. All his other projects have failed, and so now his kids are crying with hunger pains. He is begging for a loan to start another little business selling fuel out of a 55 gal drum, by the road. How much should we help these many situations? Do we give or not give? Do we loan sometimes or make a policy of never loaning? How do we help without creating dependency on foreigners? What would Jesus do? Would he just say “God bless you, go be warmed and filled” ? Questions questions. One thing is clear... Christian charity should never fail, even if we can’t help every monetary need, we can show love, and help point them to the gospel of Jesus and the love and understanding of a Father in Heaven.
For you who want to look up some scriptures... look these up and sometime send me some of your impressions. James 2:15 +16, Mat 5:42, Det 15:7, Pr 19:17, Pr 28:27, Pr 21:13, Mt 9:5, Luke 7:48, Acts 3:6, Matthew 26:11, Matthew 10:9&10 and many other interesting verses speaking of money matters, loaning, charity and poverty.
We have been talking of our need for an ambulance… It now looks favorable that God thru a very generous donor is providing one for us. Thanks Jeff!! For those of you who want to see what it will look like… do a Google image search for “Pinzgauer Ambulance”. It is an interesting machine!! More about that when we get it in a couple months. J
Christian Aid Ministries has been able to very generously help with some of our much needed medicines and some other supplies. Thanks to all you at C.A.M.!!!
We thank the others of you who have donated money for the clinic, parts and tires for our truck, and those of you who are helping sponsor our teacher (Lacey Toews, Pincher Creek AB), and also the clinic nurse (Ashley Dirks, United Center KS). God bless you for your support. We never have a big surplus of funds, but we have never run out.
I want to close with a plea and a prayer for nurse. Ashley is willing to stay on and help translate and show the new nurse what we are doing etc, but we need to have someone within the next few months. If you know of anyone, please send me a name and email address or contact info. Please help encourage a nurse to consider a 6 month term here. The pay is nil to nada, but I am confident in saying the blessings will be rich and innumerable. Living conditions are very good, and weather up here in the high altitude is nice and cool. The community people are our warm and friendly protectors.
If God grants this terrestrial ball more time, someday we will need to be looking for a replacement couple for ourselves. Someone who can be clinic administrator, a “people person”, medicine buyer, and etc. No medical experience needed. Think about that too.
Wishing you all the nearness and goodness of God,
Keith Toews
Administrator- Confidence Health Center
Oriani, Haiti
Monday, November 7, 2011
Why Worldly Amusements Are So Objectionable
This, too, is one great reason why worldly amusements are so objectionable. It may be difficult, in some instances, to show that they are, in themselves, positively unscriptural and wrong. But there is little difficulty in showing that the tendency of almost all of them is most injurious to the soul. They sow the seeds of an earthly and sensual frame of mind. They war against the life of faith. They promote an unhealthy and unnatural craving after excitement. They minister to the lust of the flesh,and the lust of the eye, and the pride of life. They dim the view of heaven and eternity, and give a false color to the things of time. They indispose the heart for private prayer, and Scripture reading, and calm communion with God. The man who mingles in them is like one who gives Satan vantage-ground. He has a battle to fight, and he gives his enemy the help of the sun, and wind, and hill. It would be strange indeed if he did not find himself continually overcome.
J.C. Ryle
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Coming down from the Steeple and other Quotes by J C Ryle
There are two ways of coming down from the top of a church steeple; one is to jump down,--and the other is to come down by the steps: but both will lead you to the bottom. So also there are two ways of going to hell; one is to walk into it with your eyes open,--few people do that; the other is to go down by the steps of little sins,--and that way, I fear, is only too common.
..This, be it remembered, is one great reason why idleness is so much to be avoided. It is not that doing nothing is of itself so positively wicked; it is the wide door it opens for Satan to throw in the seeds of bad things, it is this which is mainly to be feared.
It is an excellent saying of good Bishop Hall, " He that would be safe from the acts of evil, must widely avoid the occasions."
Well did Jeremy Taylor describe the progress of sin in a man: "First it startles him, then it becomes pleasing, then easy, then delightful, then frequent, then habitual, then confirmed!--then the man is impenitent, then obstinate, then resolves never to repent, and then he is damned."
Quotes gathered by Wiebe
JC Ryle (1816-1900) was a Anglican bishop in England. He was a son of a wealthy banker and Ryle was an athlete. He was suppose to go into politics, but instead received an awakening after hearing Ephesians 2 preached. He was known for evangelizing the middle class people.
Monday, October 31, 2011
The Drawbridge Story
For some reason this story came to mind today. I cannot tell you if it is 100% true or not, it has served well as an illustration that sticks in the mind. I am sure it is based on a actual happening. Someone has done a little research on it. There is a English version, a American and a Prussian version. I personally like the Prussian version. You can read this at http://www.snopes.com/glurge/drawbridge.asp
This I would describe as the American version. If possible read the other versions.
There John landed a job at the Mississippi River tending a drawbridge. One summer day [April 5 in one version] in 1937, he took his son to spend the day with him. Wide-eyed and full of questions, Greg watched his father as he raised the bridge to let the ships pass, then lowered it for the great trains to roar across the river.
About noon, John put up the bridge and sat with Greg on an observation platform to eat their lunches. They enjoyed the activity on the waterfront. John dreamed about traveling so he told Greg stories about the ships and where they were headed. He was so caught up in the stories that he lost consciousness of time. Suddenly he was awakened by the shrill whistle of a locomotive. He glanced at his watch, noting that it was nearly time for the Memphis Express.
John made his way to the gear-room, sat on the stool and took the lever in hand. He looked up the river and back down to see if any ships were coming. Then he glanced below ... Wait! No! No! This can't be! Terror gripped him as his heart leaped into his throat and his blood froze in his veins! Evidently, Greg tried to follow his father, slipped off the catwalk and fell into the massive gears below. His leg was caught and as sure as the sun rises in the morning, if the bridge was lowered six tons of revolving metal would grind him to death!
Mind spinning, John frantically sought for answers! He thought, "I'll run back, tie a rope, let myself down..." -- but, no! There was not a third of the needed time.
John moaned! He was trembling and perspiring as his eyes brimmed with tears. The shrill cry of the train whistle was alarmingly close. More than anything, he wanted to spare his son; but if he did many would die! There was no other way to spare their lives! Stricken and overwhelmed with grief, John bowed his quivering head, covered his eyes, and released the lever. The gear room shook as the wheels turned and the great bridge settled down into place. In moments it was over and the Memphis Express came roaring past.
John lifted his head and looked in the train. There a man read the morning news, the conductor was looking at his watch, and a woman in the dining car was feeding her little girl with a long spoon. No one noticed the heart-broken Griffeth. No one was aware of the grieving father or the newly torn body of his dear son. Choking with passion John called out, "What's the matter with you people? I just GAVE MY SON for you! Don't you even care?" Nobody heard; nobody looked; nobody knew and no one responded as the train disappeared across the river.
The heavenly Father watches our own eternity-bound generation as we speed down the rails of life. Without Jesus we too are hopeless and headed for destruction. Our sovereign God "sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him" (1 John 4:9). What an amazing sacrifice as God "spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all" (Rom. 8:32).
Friend, do you sometimes wonder if God loves you? God's good news to man is this: that question has been settled forever! He points you to "the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all" (Heb. 10:10). God very definitely established the fact of His love! "But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom. 5:8). Do you understand, my friend? It required the life of the Son of God to save us! We would hopelessly smash right into eternal destruction without the blood of Jesus! "Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him" (Rom. 5:9).
Sixty years ago, John Griffeth's heart was broken by pain and tragedy! He gave his son to save 400 lives. 2,000 years ago, God gave His own Son to spare millions! "Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many" (Heb. 9:28). We may ask, why not "all"? Many attempt to cross that river-of-no-return while rejecting the sufficiency of God's precious Son! Proudly refusing the Son is to say to the Father, "He's not good enough for me!" Why cling to sin rather than allowing the Lord Jesus to bear it? These reject "him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood" (Rev. 1:5). Didn't Jesus warn that the majority will end in the rubble of destruction and few will cross to the wonder of eternal life! (Matt. 7:13-14).
I wonder, friend, are you perhaps as the man totally intent with the news down here - or as the lady with the long spoon oblivious to the danger? Knowing of the sacrifice, will you ignore the crucified Son? We must not insult the One who gave His all! Today we travel the rails of life and the assurance for a safe arrival is free, but the cost is infinite! Jesus paid for our passage through the "sacrifice of himself" (Heb. 9:26). God is so concerned about saving you from the ruins of hell that He gave His "own blood" (Acts 20:28). As Griffeth brokenly cried, "Don't you even care?"
Would you be willing to sit on that train, trusting your own activity to save you apart from the son, or would you confess the son paid it all? Life was not granted because the man paid for his newspaper instead of stealing it that day. Obeying commandments and human acts of love never saved any one. We all fail! Jesus said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24). Will you cross that bridge from death unto life? We must never depend upon good works or church ceremonies to escape condemnation. Trust the Lord alone!
Source - Rev. Chuck Brocka, originally derived from a sermon by Dr. D. James Kennedy; Holwick Illustration #152
The only thing I would point out is that this story happened as a tragic accident, with God it was not an accident that motivated Him, but His love for us and the mutual consent of Christ and His love for us, poor mortals.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Help Vote for Haiti Orphanage
A brother that spent time in Haiti as a Volunteer, sent me this link. Check it out. They are tied fourth place and need a few votes to get the grant. I have not researched it extensively but it seems like a good cause.
A brother that spent time in Haiti as a Volunteer, sent me this link. Check it out. They are tied fourth place and need a few votes to get the grant. I have not researched it extensively but it seems like a good cause.
Christ Life in the South Pacific Story
Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ 1 Cor 11:1
A missionary was once sent out to preach the gospel in the South Sea
Islands. His boat was shipwrecked on the rocks and he was the sole
surviving member of the group. The inhabitants of the island were
hostile, but allowed him to live among them on the condition that he
did not speak about his God. The man quietly and patiently lived his
dedicated Christian life. Day after day, year after year the life he
silently lived witnessed of the saving love and redemption of Jesus.
When he died they buried him on the island. Some years later another
group of missionaries arrived. This time the Polynesians welcomed them
and listened carefully. The missionaries were amazed at the people’s
interest in the gospel. “Do you know about Jesus ?” they asked. “Oh
yes!” said the islanders. “Who told you about Him?” the missionaries
asked. “He lived on our island” they said. “The man you are talking
about is buried here.”
They took the missionaries to the spot where the man of God had been
buried. “He is the man you are speaking about,” they said, pointing to
the grave of a man who was not allowed to speak about Jesus, but whose
dedicated life lived the pattern of Jesus every day.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Bible Flannel Graphs Popular with Bible Study Children
This picture and pictures is from the felt source http://www.thefeltsource.com/BibleSeparates.html This is the same flannel graph that we use.
A couple that were missionaries in Mexico were elected Wednesday Evening Bible Study superintendents. They suggested and purchased a Deluxe Bible Flannel graph. They used it in Mexico to explain Bible stories. I had the opportunity to volunteer and experience this as a valuable tool to making Bible study come alive to preschoolers up to intermediate age children. The last evening the parents were amused how enthused the children were to going to class.
The graph consists of a foundation board where you can "stick" on landscapes, sea scapes, or buildings for a setting. You have a guide book with over a hundred Bible stories. It gives memory verses, basic story, summary of the moral, etc. It also tells you what is needed for a Bible scene. There is hundreds of felt people, objects, and props that are numbered. The book gives out the number code for all the felt items you need to tell that particular story.
To tell the story you must interact with the children. Ask them questions. They enjoy when you set up the scenery because with a few pieces you can drastically change the setting. As for the presentation: It is best to read the story as many times possible in preparation so that when you present it --you can tell it without looking at your paper much. Challenge the children to memorize the memory verse. After the story and singing period we ask questions to see if everybody was paying attention. It is enjoyable and rewarding and a good idea for Wednesday Bible Study for children.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
War in Heaven
This painting War in Heaven by Pieter Brungel has facinated me for a long time as a boy.
7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
8And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
9And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
11And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
12Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
The things that impress me about this passage is that it is the background to the spiritual battle we fight today. The accuser of the brethren, the great deceiver has been cast down to earth. He has great wrath because his time is short. However we can overcome this warfare by the blood of the lamb. Meaning in simple terms Trust and Believe wholly in Jesus and God's will for our lives. To do this is like having blood on the door post symbolized in the Jewish Passover in Exodus. I just earnestly want to be watchful and make sure to be an overcomer in this conflict.
Another Brungel painting the Triumph of Death that had a profound impact on my young mind as a child. It filled me with a fear of the end and how I do not want this nightmare to be my fate, as a result of ignoring the Cross of Christ in my life. Note that there is a cross in the middle of the painting slightly to the left. Other than the lone cross there is a absence of hope in this picture--it is past. In fact the Saints must have already ascended to their reward and now the reality of the end has truly come. Sorry perhaps this may strike you as morbid but we do well to think on the big picture and see where our life's choices could lead us.
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